Bygone Muncie: Shopping, church, snow and charitable giving marked the Christmas of 1929

Anspach Company exterior at 116 S. Walnut Street, circa 1925.
Anspach Company exterior at 116 S. Walnut Street, circa 1925.

I love a good holiday. Such observances do much to mark the passage of time, like some perennial metronome ticking away the years gone by. Holidays also transcend generations. I don’t always know how my ancestors celebrated Christmas, but I’m confident many did. In some peculiar way, knowing this links me to the strangers that fill my family tree. Americans have long loved the idea of progress; always rolling forward into something new. But a lasting holiday, at least for me, fastens us down onto the great wheel of time.

Some holiday traditions change over the years, while others remain timeless. If we were, say, transported back to the Christmas of 1929, we’d find many Munsonians preparing for the day in familiar ways. Then as now, gift giving was a major part of the Christmas season. In the weeks leading up to the holiday, merchants filled the local newspapers with gift ads. For example, Anspach’s, the “bargain spot of Muncie” at 116 S. Walnut St., offered deep discounts for last-minute shoppers, including $1 men’s outing pajamas and $1.19 ladies’ gift slippers. The doll that “little sister has been asking Santa to bring her” would cost a whopping $4.95, while an air rifle would set the jolly elf back 79 cents. The Meyer’s Drug Store at the corner of Jackson and Walnut advertised several gift suggestions, including 200 cigarettes for $1.19 and a five-pound box of chocolate for $1.98.

The Kroger Grocery at 309 E. Main, circa 1929.
The Kroger Grocery at 309 E. Main, circa 1929.

Just like today, Munsonians made a concerted effort to feast on Christmas Day. The city’s grocers happily provided the season’s accoutrement. The Kroger grocery at 309 E. Main was selling dressed turkeys for 37 cents a pound and geese for 30 cents a pound. The Ideal Fish Market at 106 W. Charles was open late on Christmas Eve, offering fresh oysters and “plenty of rabbits” for the more adventurous yuletide eaters. At the Delaware County jail, a pig was “carefully prepared with an apple in his mouth and ready to be roasted” for those behind bars.

Ideal Fish Market’s Christmas Eve ad, 1929, from the Muncie Morning Star, Dec/ 24, 1929.
Ideal Fish Market’s Christmas Eve ad, 1929, from the Muncie Morning Star, Dec/ 24, 1929.

Munsonians were also charitable that holiday. Though the depths of the Great Depression were still some years away, the previous October’s stock market crash had set off a chain of events leading to layoffs. The Muncie Evening Press reported on Christmas Day that, even though “the volume of business has not been great this year, due to the fact that so many factory employees have been out of work recently, Muncie’s citizenry has responded to the call of the poor.” The Muncie Fire Department delivered 75 baskets of food to the needy, while the Salvation Army delivered 200 across the Magic City. Muncie’s Social Service Bureau gave the names of 150 impoverished families “to generous citizens who wish to provide baskets of food and other gifts.”

More Bygone Muncie: The murder of Elmer Hamilton

The local newspapers also reported an increase in crime that season. On Christmas Eve, an armed bandit held up several motorists on Burlington Drive, absconding with about $20. On the same day, someone named Victor “Peanut” Templin was found guilty of violating the Volstead Act. Apparently Peanut was arrested the previous July for selling a “large quantity of Canadian beer and other brews” at a stand near Inlow Springs. His accomplice was (I swear I’m not making these names up), Luke “Ribs” Wilmuth.

Calvary Baptist Church.
Calvary Baptist Church.

For the faithful, St. John’s Universalist, St. Lawrence Catholic, and First Presbyterian offered services on Christmas Eve. At Calvary Baptist, a special vigil program was held featuring a cantata entitled, “Mrs. Santa Claus and the Christmas Dolls.”

For those seeking a more secular way to celebrate the holiday, the city’s theaters offered an assortment of entertainment. The Rivoli screened two films, “Pointed Heels” and Joan Crawford’s, “Untamed.” The Vaudelle offered Munsonians “The Drag,” while the Wysor Grand featured “Shanghai Lady” and “Song of Love.” The Liberty, then known more for vaudeville, featured a live act of dancing black bears unimaginatively titled, “Captain Andrews Troupe of Four Performing Bears."

The Liberty’s ad for a dancing bear act on Christmas, from the Muncie Evening Press, December 24, 1929.
The Liberty’s ad for a dancing bear act on Christmas, from the Muncie Evening Press, December 24, 1929.

Muncie was also undergoing a political transformation that holiday season. The municipal election in November saw an epic turnout of Munsonians who voted out Republicans. I’m guessing this was a response to the crash. The Democratic sweep of city government certainly foreshadowed the landslide national elections of 1930 and 1932. George Dale beat Robert Barnes for mayor, with 8,727 votes (Barnes polled 7,378). The Democrats also won the city clerk office, city judge and the majority of the city council seats.

The outgoing mayor, John Hampton, apparently phoned Dale the day before Christmas Eve to discuss the transition of administrations. Hampton caught the mayor-elect with a bad headache and joked, “I don’t wonder you have a headache, George. About this time four years ago, I developed a rather annoying headache myself — because so many persons were after me for jobs. I want to tell you, however, that I am not asking you for a job.”

George Dale was elected as Muncie’s mayor in 1929.
George Dale was elected as Muncie’s mayor in 1929.

Despite the realities of political and economic life, Munsonians woke to a white Christmas in 1929. In the week leading up to the festive day, successive storms had buried much of East Central Indiana under a heavy blanket of snow. Two days before Christmas, the Muncie Morning Star reported that “auto traffic over the roads and downtown streets was progressing with difficulty…there has been no effort made to clear the streets.” A day later, the skies dumped several more inches, causing 16 car accidents around the city. On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, 100 workers armed with snow shovels “began the task of removing snow and ice from streets in the uptown district.”

Drifting snow had also wrecked train and interurban schedules, causing widespread travel and shipping delays. Emory Niday, Muncie’s assistant postmaster, reported that “the Christmas mail season this year was perhaps the largest in the history of the city.” The waylaid trains delayed the delivery of many parcels until after Christmas.

Emory Niday (seated), was the assistant postmaster in 1929.
Emory Niday (seated), was the assistant postmaster in 1929.

Ninety-two years later, we find ourselves again celebrating another Christmas season under a cloud of uncertainty. Though our problems in 2021 vastly differ from those faced by our forebears in 1929, we can perhaps take solace in the fact that good food, gift giving, family, charity, and faith remain steadfast traditions of the Christmas season. I hope our successors in 2113 will look back at the holidays of our own age and recognize the same.

For those that celebrate, have a Merry Christmas!

Chris Flook is a board member of the Delaware County Historical Society and is the author of "Lost Towns of Delaware County, Indiana" and "Native Americans of East-Central Indiana." For more information about the Delaware County Historical Society, visit

This article originally appeared on Muncie Star Press: Bygone Muncie: How Muncie observed the Christmas of 1929