Cafe Centraal Closing For Renovation

Café Centraal will be open regular hours through the end of the year, including brunch for seven consecutive days during the holidays.

BAY VIEW, WI -- Café Centraal will be closing for a month starting in January for renovations, restaurant owners said Thursday.

Café Centraal is open regular hours through the end of the year, including brunch for seven consecutive days during the holidays, from Dec. 26 through New Year’s Day. It is closed on Christmas Day.

“When we first opened Centraal 10 years ago, Bay View was a very different neighborhood and we opened on a shoestring budget,” said Dan Herwig, director of brand and marketing at Lowlands Group. “This renovation is all about setting Centraal up for its next ten-year run in Bay View.”

Planned updates include expanding the kitchen substantially, adding new food and beverage coolers and freezers in the basement, refinishing the flooring, redesigning the bar with a dramatic increase the number of draught lines, and a visual update throughout the space.

The group plans an evolution of the existing Centraal concept—including an update to the food and beverage menus—but is not announcing any specifics at this time, according to reports.

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