Calcium could be key to cancer cure as scientists create ultra-powerful ‘antitumor’ drug

A new drug might become a game changer for cancer treatment.
A new drug might become a game changer for cancer treatment.

Score one for the good guys in the battle against cancer.

Researchers from Ewha Womens University in Seoul, South Korea have managed to create a powerful chemical composition that can eradicate tumor cells, findings in the journal Angewandte Chemie reveal.

The scientists created the promising new cancer-fighting drug by manipulating calcium levels in the cells — supposedly the the key to an “anti-tumor” formula.

Typically, too many calcium ions are harmful and will suffocate elements of healthy cellular composition like mitochondria, known by every 9th-grade biology student as the cell’s powerhouse.

But now, scientists have found a way to use that harmful over-influx to ward off and destroy tumor cells in the body through what they call a “calcium storm.”

A new drug might become a game changer for cancer treatment. vitanovski –
A new drug might become a game changer for cancer treatment. vitanovski –

It was also found that exposure to infrared light would facilitate the new drug for said storm.

The injectable formula was tested inside of mice who had contracted tumors by way of specially modified silica beads that presented no harm to the rodents.

Once it reached their bloodstream, the team was able to determine that the drug successfully reached the tumor and was activated within the presence of infrared light.

Within just a few days, their tumors disappeared.

Tests in mice showed promise in the new drug’s tumor destroying capabilities. Angewandte Chemie
Tests in mice showed promise in the new drug’s tumor destroying capabilities. Angewandte Chemie

Now, the research team is optimistic that this formula can also be used to further biomedical research.

The announcement also comes on the heels of a new, machine learning-powered way to accurately screen for ovarian cancer.