California governor says his kids cut his mullet

Californians looking to get a haircut will have to abide by some new rules.

Governor Gavin Newsom said on Tuesday (May 26) barbers could reopen for business in parts of the state -- with some new guidelines in place.

But he joked that his own kids -- didn't seem to respect those rules.

"It was actually a collection of barbers, a six year old, an eight year old and a 10 year old barber that we're not practicing physical distancing, that were not considering the deep sanitation requirements, wearing face coverings, nor was there subject. And I say subject because they had at me, it was a family effort to remove what was described by my wife as, forgive me, a mullet."

Hair salon employees in 47 of California's 58 counties will be required to wear face masks and encouraged to don goggles.

Customers must also wear face masks, use hand sanitizer and follow social distancing guidelines.

Reopening barbershops is California's latest step to lift stay-at-home measures over the most populated U.S. state.

On Monday authorities there allowed churches to reopen -- at a quarter capacity.