California state workers: Did family inspire you to join state service? The Bee wants to know

State civil service has long maintained a reputation as a stable and reliable career that guarantees a secure retirement. But as the cost of living rises and wages fail to keep pace, do today’s young workers still view state government jobs with the same reverence?

Public sector salaries largely haven’t kept up with recent inflation, according to both a Bee analysis of California data and a Pew Charitable Trust analysis of national labor data. Robust retirement benefits, including a pension and health insurance coverage, are often cited as trade-offs for lower wages. But earning those benefits requires a hefty time commitment to become vested — five years for a state pension and 25 years for full health insurance coverage. Are younger workers willing to sacrifice higher wages today with the promise of retirement security down the road?

The Sacramento Bee knows that civil service often runs in the family. We want to talk with people whose families have worked for the state of California across multiple generations. Did someone in your family inspire you to join state service? If so, what convinced you to pursue the opportunity?

Please share your experience with us using the form below or by emailing