
Call of the Uplands campaign will restore, protect grassland habitat: Ryan Lovro

Pheasants Forever is an organization known for its dedication to improving habitat for not only pheasants but for all wildlife in the United States.

In 2021, the organization introduced what is known as the Call of the Uplands campaign. The goal of Call of the Uplands is to get $500 million in donations that will help Pheasants Forever protect and restore upland habitat and cultivate the next generation of conservationists and hunters.

Advocacy at the national and state levels for policies that work for wildlife and for the communities will play a key role. Education and outreach will be used to try and reach 1.5 million participants with new and expanded programs.

The grasslands of North America are some of the most endangered ecosystems. Since 2007, North America has lost more than 50 million acres of grassland to development. As most of us know, you can’t have sustainable bird populations without having the habitat required to support them.

The loss of grasslands through the years has resulted in the decline of pheasant and other grassland bird populations by 50% or more in certain areas of North America. This shows that grasslands should be a top priority.

With the Call of the Uplands campaign, Pheasants Forever be starting down the right path in establishing, enhancing, restoring and protecting 9 million acres nationwide while permanently protecting 75,000 acres.

If you would like more information about the Call of the Uplands campaign or want to donate, you can find all the necessary information at

Ryan Lovro is a habitat conservation technician for the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks.

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Pheasants Forever Call of the Uplands campaign will help grasslands