Calling for final 'Urgent' applicants

Sep. 13—The final opportunity for elders to receive home repair assistance from the 2023 Urgent Home Repair Program is inching closer and ends this week.

The Urgent Repair Program (URP) finances emergency home repairs for North Carolina homeowners who are elderly. This also includes if they have special needs and whose incomes are below 50% of the median for their area.

The emergency repairs correct housing conditions that threaten a life or safety, such as failing septic systems, dangerous heating systems or rotten floors. The program can also pay for accessibility modifications that allow said person to remain in their home after an injury or serious illness.

Applications for the 2023 program began back in August and the final cut off date for accepted applications ends this Thursday. While the deadline is a day away, a post from the Sampson County Government Facebook page highlighted that they are still currently accepting applications.

Applications must be completed no later than 5 p.m. on Sept. 14. Also of note, the post mentioned that any past applicants that were not previously selected 'Must Re-Apply'.

Assistance is offered through local governments or nonprofit agencies that will determine a parties eligibility and then contract for and supervise the work. If approved, one could receive assistance in the form of an interest-free, deferred loan, forgiven at $3,000 a year to pay for necessary repairs. Being selected for the program requires eligibility determination and funding is limited.

For more information or to apply contact Angela Faircloth, Department of Aging, at 910-592-4653.

Reach Michael B. Hardison at 910-249-4231. Follow us on Twitter at @SamsponInd, like us on Facebook, and check out our Instagram at @thesampsonindependent.