Calls for reproductive rights ring in Ashland

Jul. 5—ASHLAND — Voices rang through the street July 4, not in celebration of independence but in protest of lost rights.

People of all genders, ages and backgrounds from around the tri-state area headed to Broadway Square Monday to let their voice be heard. The overturning of Roe v. Wade and the trigger law Kentucky had waiting incited the response.

"I want to protect not only my rights but the rights of those who come after me," said Jane Delaney, one of the three 18-year-old women who organized the event.

Codifying Roe and other fundamental human rights is the goal, said Delaney. She pointed out that Democrats have had 50 years and haven't done so. She wants people in office who will codify reproductive rights into law.

As the event went on the crowd grew and sprawled from Broadway Square down the sidewalks of Winchester Avenue. At various points during the afternoon, the group took to the street, making a point to obey every traffic law and stick to the sidewalks and crosswalks.

"Show me what democracy looks like," shouted Sierra Hall, another 18-year-old organizer.

"This is what democracy looks like!" the crowd would respond.

Signs with the face of Ruth Bader Ginsberg and images of The Handmaid's Tale waved above the crowd. Posters with uteruses, hangers and symbols of blood added to the various calls for legal, safe abortion to be restored in all 50 states.

"Pro-life is a lie, you don't care if people die!" the crowd yelled as they headed down the street to make their voice heard. They could be heard from blocks away.

Mandi Hurley is an attorney who works in women's rights and represents victims of violence and sexual assault.

"I am a woman," said Hurley. "I am a daughter. I am a sister. and I am an attorney."

Hurley spoke to the crowd saying when she became a lawyer, she took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. When she took that oath, she understood herself to be a whole person with equal rights.

"I am no longer a full citizen," said Hurley.

"If our state government can regulate our bodies ... they have given us back to our captors," Hurley told The Daily Independent.

It is important to her as a woman and as an attorney. She shared with the crowd the real stories of those who receive abortions. The high school girl who was assaulted and will not be able to play her senior softball season. A season that she was relying on because a scholarship and college was dependent on her athletic talents.

Hurley shared that it's not just about women, but it is in the best interest of society that people have the right to privacy and bodily autonomy.

"We should have the choice to control our own destiny," said Hurley.

Hurley shared about the mentally handicapped woman who was raped will not understand the changes happening to her body and birth will be traumatic. Hurley encouraged the women in the crowd to share their stories. One in four women will receive an abortion, she said.

The attorney said it is important to be pro-voice in addition to pro-choice.

"They do not understand the women of 2022," said Hurley. "They don't know that the decision to have an abortion is painstaking."

She gave the example of a second-year med student who has an abortion so she can finish medical school and residency. That woman then goes on to work every day saving lives.

"You can't tell me that woman is anything but pro-life," said Hurley.

Hurley says the Supreme Court and other people in power are focused on women in 1868 rather than women in 2022.

"We are not the women of 1868, we are the women of 2022!" Hurley exclaimed and the crowd erupted in cheers.

The head of the deescalation crew, Scott, admitted to the crowd, "I have not been the best man, but I have learned and I have grown." He shared that in joining the fight for women's rights he has had women confide in him, and share their stories.

"Horrifying," he said.

City Commissioner Josh Blanton took the mic, and thanked those who organized the event and those working to keep everyone safe.

"What better way to celebrate the birth of our nation than with an old-fashioned protest," said Blanton.

He clarified that he is a city official, but was speaking for himself.

"It's easy to go middle of the road in an election year," said Blanton, but that is not what his mom taught him.

He talked with the crowd about reading the opinion and the conversations with his wife, Cesiah Blanton, which followed. Cesiah sat just feet away with pride on her face.

Blanton shared about her story of immigrating from Mexico and that she is due to give birth in a few days. The crowd cheered. As they talked about the decisions made by the Supreme Court, Blanton read the opinion, and reread the opinion, he said.

The opinion has already overturned Roe, and is likely to come after contraception, gay marriage and interracial marriage. Blanton sees the writing on the wall, and interracial marriage is an obvious hit close to home for the Blantons, he shared.

"Your rights matter to me," said Blanton to the crowd.

Blanton encouraged everyone to vote. He also told them to examine their sphere of influence. Everyone has influence and conversation matter in addition to votes.

"Take this feeling and be inspired for longer than just today," said Blanton.

Charles Booker was welcomed to the mic with a roar from the crowd.

Booker is a Democrat U.S. Senate candidate who is vying to unseat incumbent Rand Paul.

"I love you," said Booker to the crowd. "And I love equal rights."

In reference to the Supreme Court's decision and the Kentucky trigger law, Booker said, "this is disgusting."

"It was never about abortion," said Booker. "They want to take your voice away."

Booker promised that with him in the U.S. Senate in November the possibility of ending the filibuster and codifying Roe and other rights is real. A win in Kentucky would allow the Democrats the numbers to do so.

Booker called out Rand Paul's actions as well as Mitch McConnell that have led to the decision and loss of rights among other things. The Democrat candidate and former Kentucky representative questioned why a poor state like Kentucky has two of the richest politicians.

"I am not for sale!" Booker exclaimed. "I am going to stand by your side."

He shared his stance on lower price of insulin, universal health care and human rights. Booker encouraged the people present to not vote for someone unwilling to stand up for their human rights.

"A lot of people count us out," he said about his home state of Kentucky. He then went on to tell the crowd that he see their value.

"You are critically important," said Booker. "You matter and you need men who have the audacity to say you matter!"

Booker was joined by Scott at the mic. Together the two men asked the other men in the crowd to give the ladies a break for yelling and fighting, to take a turn.

"Their body," Scott yelled in the mic.

"Their choice!" Booker and the rest of the men in the crowd called back repeatedly.

"Our sister's rights were attacked and they're coming for everyone," Scott said.

The mic was opened for the crowd and people began to share their stories. Stories of rape and the need for emergency contraceptives in order to guarantee finishing law school. She is set to take the bar exam this month.

A gay man named Jeffrey shared that his mother was at her first protest with him. He said women have always supported him, and he will support them.

"I have been waling for years and I still have miles to go," said Jeffrey. "We will walk arm in arm to the ballot box this November.

He pointed out the booth across the square where women were registering people to vote. If anyone was nervous, or just wanted him too, he would walk them over there himself, just ask, he said.

"I am multi-talented and I am mad," said Jeffrey.

He then led the crowd in yelling "Ditch Mitch!" referring to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

After the speakers, the crowd headed back toward the sidewalks to share their dissent. Cars honked in support and the crowd cheered at each one.

Sabrina Baldridge came out with her roommate Kaylie Hatzel. Baldridge said it's important to her.

"To protect my and my future children's rights," said Baldridge. "Bodily autonomy is important."