How to cancel your Google Play Music subscription on a computer or Android phone

goole play music
goole play music

Skye Gould / Business Insider

Google Play Music offers users a subscription model, where you can listen to millions of songs, stream live radio, create your own playlists, and store your own music — starting at $9.99 per month.

Google Play Music also offers a 30-day free subscription, where you can test out the service and compare it to others, like Spotify or Apple Music.

If you want to cancel your Google Play Music subscription before your trial period is over for good, follow the steps below.

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How to cancel Google Play Music using the Android app 

1. Open the Google Play Music app. (Note: You can only cancel a Google Play Music subscription on a mobile device if it's an Android).

2. Tap the menu icon in the top left-hand corner (the three horizontal lines).

3. Scroll down the menu and select Settings.

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google music

Asian Geek Squad/YouTube

4. Select Cancel Subscription.

5. Next, select a reason why you are choosing to cancel your Google Play Music subscription, and tap Continue.

6. Select Manage Subscription, and then Cancel Subscription.

7. To finish, tap Cancel Subscription once more. On the pop-up, you will see the exact date your subscription will be canceled (at the end of your billing period). You will then receive a confirmation email.

How to cancel Google Play Music using a computer

1. Open your preferred browser and go to Google Play Music.

2. In the right-hand corner of the screen, tap the Settings menu (resembling a gear icon).

3. In the drop-down menu, select My account.

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cancel google music

Asian Geek Squad/YouTube

4. Scroll down to view your Order History. Scroll to find your Google Music subscription, and tap the three dots to the right.

5. Select Cancel Subscription.

cancel google music
cancel google music

Asian Geek Squad/YouTube

6. In the pop-up menu, select Cancel Subscription again.

7. You will then receive a confirmation email notifying you of the last day you can use your subscription within the billing period.


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