How to cancel a meeting in Microsoft Outlook on a PC or Mac computer, and alert all attendees

Checking email on laptop
It's easy to cancel meetings in Outlook.

Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

  • To cancel a meeting in Microsoft Outlook, you just need to open your Calendar menu.

  • Once you're in Outlook's Calendar menu, you can cancel a meeting by right-clicking it and selecting the "Cancel" option.

  • Once you've cancelled a meeting through Outlook, you can send a message to the meeting's attendees.

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Microsoft Outlook's Calendar function is one of the easiest ways to schedule meetings with coworkers, lunch with friends, or even a simple doctor's appointment. Scheduling a meeting in the Calendar is relatively straightforward, and you can even color-code your meetings.

But what if something comes up, and the meeting can't happen?

Fortunately, you can cancel a meeting in Outlook just as easily as you can schedule one. You can also notify other meeting attendees of the cancellation with just a couple of clicks.

Here's a quick step-by-step tutorial to cancelling meetings in your Outlook Calendar, using the app for both Mac and PC.

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Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to cancel a meeting in Outlook

Note that you can only cancel a meeting if you're the organizer. If you're not the organizer, you can only delete the event off your own calendar.

1. Click on the Calendar icon, located at the bottom-left corner of your inbox's menu, next to the envelope icon.

How to cancel meeting in Outlook   1
Open your Outlook calendar.

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

2. With your Calendar open, find the date of the meeting you want to cancel. Right-click on the meeting, then click "Cancel Meeting." If you haven't invited anyone, or you're not the organizer, select "Delete" or "Delete Meeting" instead.

How to cancel meeting in Outlook   2
You can also click the cancel option in the top-left.

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

3. In the pop-up box that appears, click "Send Cancellation." If you're on a Mac, you might need to click "Save & Close" instead.

Depending on your version of Outlook, you may be able to send a message to the meeting's attendees explaining the cancellation. Type your message before you click "Send Cancellation."

How to cancel meeting in Outlook   3
Send the cancellation when you're ready.

Chrissy Montelli/Business Insider

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