Candidate for NC lieutenant governor, Republican Sam Page, answers our questions

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Name: Sam Page

Political party: Republican

Age as of March 5, 2024: 67

Campaign website:

Current occupation: Sheriff of Rockingham County

Professional experience: Sheriff of Rockingham County since 1998, career law enforcement officer who served in the Fort Lauderdale and Eden Police Departments, and Air Force veteran.

Education: I graduated from Reidsville High School in 1975. I hold an Advanced State Law Enforcement Certificate from North Carolina, and I am a Certified State Instructor for Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET).

What offices have you run for or held before? Have you had any other notable government or civic involvement? I ran for Sheriff of Rockingham County in 1994, was elected in 1998, and have served in that role since. I served as the president of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association in 2010 and currently serve on the National Sheriffs’ Association Border Security Committee.

What do you think is the biggest issue in North Carolina that you would be able to shape if elected?

Public safety is my number one concern. As a career law enforcement officer and sheriff, I know what it takes to keep people safe. I will prioritize the safety of all our citizens as your next lieutenant governor by leading the charge on statewide and nationwide task forces to secure the border, end drug and human trafficking, and stop illegal immigration, which will keep all our citizens safe.

The lieutenant governor serves as Senate president. How involved do you want to be with the General Assembly and legislation?

The people of our great state deserve to have a voice in government. As president of the Senate, I will use the position to advocate for conservative principles and work with legislators to ensure good bills become law with the people’s support.

What would you do to strengthen public schools?

First and foremost, I would ensure our schools are safe with SROs (school resource officers) in every school and that all our educational facilities are properly secured. Secondly, I will work with the General Assembly to support our teachers and support higher teacher pay because the better teachers we have, the better education our students get. Lastly, and most importantly, I will always support parental involvement in the classroom. Parents always have a right to know what their kids are learning.

What should be done to address staff vacancies in state government?

Supporting our state and local government employees is crucial to our state’s success. Having run the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office for over 25 years, I know what it takes to get the job done. As lieutenant governor, I will work with the executive department leaders to help hire and retain the most qualified candidates and employees to serve the people.

In what areas, if any, do you believe state government is wasting taxpayer money?

During the last decade, the General Assembly has done a great job providing necessary funds to the essential areas across the state. I would like to see more money for public safety and reducing unnecessary regulations and restrictions that are put upon on our farmers.

Is there an issue on which you disagree with your party? What is your position on that issue?

I am a conservative Republican, and we, as Republicans, have a party platform. I hope that all my fellow Republicans will stand united on that platform and support each other in the elections. We should all be accountable to the people, transparent with our work, and always remember who we work for. As your next lieutenant governor, I will always be a voice for the people and stand up for what is right for the citizens of North Carolina.