Candidate's PAC donation origin remains unconfirmed

Jun. 26—A $5,000 contribution to Cleveland County Commissioner Harold Haralson's campaign for District 3 was not found in any reporting database for political action committees, but the candidate said it was a scrivener's error.

Haralson, the incumbent, will face fellow Republican Rusty Grissom on Tuesday as two Democrats — Mona "Mo" Vaughn and J.D. Krohmer — face off in the primary.

An entry in Haralson's campaign finance expenditure reports reads, "NDA, 23 Mission Lane in Colleyville, Texas" and is listed as a political action committee (PAC). The Transcript identified the sources of all other PACs available on Friday on candidate campaign finance reports during its routine report on contributions and expenditures for all candidates.

Haralson said in a text message late Friday that the entry was "a scrivener's error" and an amended report would be filed. He did not reply when asked to state the correct name of the PAC.

The National Dealer Alliance shares an address with NDA. The website,, mentions the National Dealer Alliance Group "as an intensive service driven company" which serves the automotive industry.

The Transcript attempted to trace the origin of an NDA PAC on numerous databases, including the Oklahoma Ethics Commission and the Texas Ethics Commission, but officials said nothing could be found using the acronym or the words "national dealer alliance."

A spokesperson for the Federal Election Commission also found no results for the same search criteria. No additional information was on file at the Cleveland County Election Board.

Numerous attempts by phone and email to reach the National Dealer Alliance Group were unsuccessful.

The Transcript also attempted to reach the National Automobile Dealers Association to request any information that could be related to the NDA in Texas.

Mindy Wood covers City Hall news and notable court cases for The Transcript. Reach her at or 405-416-4420.