We can't ignore the economic disparity in our valley

The front page of the Feb. 2 Desert Sun contained two articles showing how divided this nation is economically.

The first discusses The Thermal Club. A $175,000 initiation fee and $2,400 monthly membership fee allows one to build a 30,000-square-foot house that costs a minimum of $5 million and provides access to a private racetrack and a club.

One homeowner has 40 Ferraris.

The second is about the city of Palm Springs’ attempt to prevent homeless people from sleeping at the airport. A proposed ordinance provides for a $1,000 fine or up to six months in jail. A "Navigation Center," due to be completed in the fall of 2023, will provide temporary housing and other services. Getting homeless people into permanent housing is a "goal."

The current disparity in quality of life and income is perhaps even greater than it was during the age of the 19th-century robber barons. How has this nation sunk to such a level? What do owners of Rolls-Royces, Bentleys and Lamborghinis feel as they drive past homeless encampments in the valley?

If we are not able to provide an adequate income and resources to all our citizens, I fear what the future holds.

Richard Wilkinson, Palm Springs

In the Imperial Valley, we use our water to make food

Here in the Imperial Valley, agriculture is the only industry we have. I’d like to ask how many golf courses are irrigated with Colorado River water out of all the states that use Colorado River water?

The Coachella Valley has about 120 golf courses that use between 750,000 and 1 million gallons of water a day.

Golf courses don't produce any food. Here in the Imperial Valley, we use our water for beneficial use — we make food.

Luis Zendejas, Calipatria

Barnett forgot women in his list of grievances

I would like to thank Don Barnett for his Feb. 10 letter that so clearly outlines his list of grievances against such a wide swath of individuals. I think the only group he may have left out was women who prefer to maintain control of their own medical decisions. They vote too! The phrase “you think you know someone” doesn’t apply here. We know exactly who he is.

Diane Welch, Indian Wells

Would Mr. Barnett be happy with a Republican one-party rule?

Regarding Don Barnett’s Feb. 10 letter: Don Barnett has clearly drunk the Kool-Aid!

Programs of the Biden administration that appeal to the needs and interests of the vast majority of the population are not "one-party rule." The problem for Republicans is that they are not appealing to the needs of the people, but rather criticizing without proposing alternative policies.

I dare say Mr. Barnett would obviously be happy if the Republicans solidified one-party rule. Tsk, tsk!

Anita Rufus, Palm Desert

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Coachella Valley wealth vs. poverty, homelessness a huge disparity