Captivating Children’s Story Promotes Building Confidence and Expressing Creativity

‘Always Believe: Adventures of Ozzie and Jerome‘ by Pamalamadingdong is the first children’s book in the series encouraging children to never stop believing in themselves

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Author Pam Young who writes under the pen name, Pamalamadingdong, has published the first book in her “Always Believe” series following twin sisters, Beth and Dizzie. “Always Believe: Adventures of Ozzie and Jerome” is an enchanting story that will spark young readers' creativity and encourage them to never give up and boost their self-esteem.

The story takes place when Beth comes home from school and announces she has gotten a part in the school’s Christmas play. Beth’s twin sister Dizzie tells her imaginary friend, Ozzie, the good news. Beth does not understand why her sister has an imaginary friend and thinks they are too old for imagined playmates. Dizzie admires Beth’s confidence and bravery for being apart of the Christmas play and wishes she could be as brave as her sister.

When Beth starts struggling to remember her lines and feels discouraged, Dizzie jumps at the chance to help her sister. She tells Beth that Ozzie also wants to help and he can help her if she believes in him. Once Beth believes that Ozzie is real, he reveals his full self to her. Ozzie and Dizzie help Beth practice her lines, which gives her the assurance she needed to excel in her role.

The Christmas play arrives, and Beth is confident that she will do great. Beth is so inspired by Ozzie and her newfound confidence that she wishes she had an imaginary friend as well. Ozzie magically gives her the gift of an imaginary friend, Jerome. Beth and Jerome then become inseparable.

“I was inspired to write my books because I want to help children reach their true potential,” said Young. “I have always been a child at heart. I see things through children’s eyes and have found that we learn a lot from them. My goal is that my books will raise young readers’ self-worth, open up their creative side, emphasize good, strong morals and inspire future generations.”

In the end, both Beth and Dizzie become tenacious girls with strong spirits. Children of all abilities and disabilities will be inspired by this charming tale of Beth, Dizzie, Ozzie and Jerome. “Always Believe” is a great tool for caregivers and educators to share with young readers to motivate them to explore their creativity, dream big and recognize their self-worth.

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“Always Believe: Adventures of Ozzie and Jerome”

By Pamalamadingdong

ISBN: 9781796099720 (softcover); 9781796099713 (electronic)

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Xlibris

About the author

Pam Young is a retired United Kingdom College teacher now living in the United States since 2006. Young is a mother of two daughters and a stepson and has six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Additionally, she has been a foster mom to eight teenagers since living in the United States. Besides writing, she is also the owner of a professional cleaning company. Young is passionate about empowering children to live their dreams and raising their self-worth to change the world for a better future. She currently resides in Northeast Tennessee.

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CONTACT: Meghan Bowman LAVIDGE 480-306-6597
