Carfora To Appoint Successor For BOE Vacancy Left By Esposito

EAST HAVEN, CT — Following the announced departure of East Haven board of education member Liz Esposito, a Democrat, Mayor Joseph A. Carfora will be appointing her replacement.

Esposito is moving after selling her home, it's reported.

Carfora, who wished Esposito and her husband "good health and happiness," told Patch that he was told "formally" that she was leaving just a couple of days ago. But he said he's had time to reflect on next steps.

"I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on the current challenges that are facing our school district in light of COVID-19," he said, adding he's gotten "a number of recommendations and expects to receive more."

He said he doesn't plan on creating a replacement search committee, but will make sure, "all potential replacements are vetted in a responsible, professional manner" before he makes his pick.

"I received a number of recommendations to fill Liz's spot including from some current Board of Education members," Carfora told Patch. "I look forward to vetting these people and making a decision as quickly as possible."

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This article originally appeared on the East Haven Patch