Carpal tunnel syndrome: pins and needles in your hands explained

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Persistent pain, pins and needles or a tingling sensation in your extremities can be both irritating and concerning. One possible cause is carpal tunnel syndrome. While it can be uncomfortable, the good news is that you can often use self-help remedies to treat it at home.

Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient gives his expert advice on how to spot and treat carpal tunnel syndrome, plus other possible causes of pins and needles in your hands:

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is essentially when a nerve in your wrist is under pressure. ‘CTS happens when the carpal tunnel inside your wrist swells and squeezes one of your nerves – the median nerve,’ explains Dr Thornber. ‘Inflamed and swollen tendon membranes reduce the amount of room inside the wrist, thereby irritating or compressing the nerve.’

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms

If you have CTS the most common symptoms include pain in the wrists, or pins and needles. This usually feels like a numb, tingling sensation, also known as paraesthesia.

Dr Thornber outlines the following main symptoms of CTS:

  • Pins and needles in the hands and fingers

  • Pain in the hands, fingers or arm

  • Numbness

  • Weakness in the hand

Symptoms or CTS are sometimes similar to repetitive strain injury (RSI), a general term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement, so if you're not sure ask your GP for advice.

Who is at risk of carpal tunnel syndrome?

You are at risk if you do any task which involves repeatedly bending your wrist or gripping hard, but there are a few people who are at more risk.

‘Carpal tunnel syndrome is quite common in people who are overweight, pregnant, have arthritis, diabetes or those who have had a previous wrist injury,’ explains Dr Thornber.

How can you treat carpal tunnel syndrome?

CTS will sometimes go away on its own after a couple of months. This is especially true if it has developed during pregnancy. ‘Often, it can be self-managed without seeing a GP,’ says Dr Thornber.

To ease any discomfort during this time, Dr Thornber suggests the following:

• Wear a wrist splint

This helps to relieve pressure on the nerves and keeps the wrist straight.

• Try painkillers

Paracetamol or ibuprofen may help. This won't treat CTS, but it can help to manage the pain.

• Take it easy

Avoiding any exercises or tasks that may cause further strain to your wrist, for example, playing a musical instrument or racket sports.

When might you need to visit your GP?

If your symptoms stay the same or get worse after trying home treatment, make an appointment with your GP.

‘A compressed or irritated nerve may require treatment, such as physiotherapy, medication or – in some cases – surgery, to ease the pressure and allow full nerve functioning to resume,’ says Dr Thornber.

Other possible causes of pins and needles

It’s important to note that there are other causes of pins and needles in your hands and fingers, as outlined by Dr Thornber:

  • Pins and needles can more often than not happen when you lean, sleep or put pressure on your hands for a prolonged period, which presses on the nerves or reduces the blood supply to that area.

  • Hyperventilating or breathing too quickly can also lead to pins and needles, which is quite common in people who are suffering with anxiety.

  • Persistent pins and needles can be linked to certain medication you may be taking, or lifestyle and diet choices, such as drinking too much alcohol.

  • Anyone undertaking chemotherapy or medicines for HIV may also suffer with pins and needles.

  • If pins and needles persist and are accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness, spasms, weakness, vision or speech issues, then it’s important to seek medical attention.

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