In case you missed it in The Sun the week of Nov. 28, 2022

Dec. 3—The following stories from this week appeared on

and in The Jamestown Sun.

A 26-year-old Moorhead, Minnesota, man

was accidentally shot Friday evening, Nov. 24, while hunting coyotes

about 10 to 15 miles northwest of Jamestown, according to Stutsman County Sheriff Chad Kaiser.

Kaiser said the Moorhead man and a 37-year-old Jamestown man were after a coyote. He said both men were shooting at the coyote and the Moorhead man got hit.

He said the Moorhead man was airlifted to Fargo. He was unsure of the man's condition.

Kaiser said no charges are pending.


Jamestown Toys for Tots Program is collecting toys

for children and families having financial difficulties due to the loss of a job or hours at work.

Distribution of the items will be held on Dec. 17 at the Gladstone Inn & Suites. Referral forms are available at schools in Jamestown and social service offices in Jamestown, Valley City and Carrington.

Donated items can't be more than $30 in value and cannot be or look like a weapon. The deadline to donate toys is Dec. 12 at several sites in Jamestown where toy drop-off boxes are located.

The city of Jamestown will plow the driving lanes of 1st Avenue and 10th Street immediately after emergency snow routes are plowed, according to Tyler Michel, public works director.


change in the snow-removal plan

will allow traffic to get through those streets faster and prevent snow from getting packed down on the roads.

Michel said 1st Avenue and 10th Street might be plowed while snow emergency routes are getting plowed depending on staff availability.

The two streets will have windrows down the middle of them so motorists might not be able to get out of every alley. Once the city goes into its full snow-removal plan when a public service announcement is sent out, workers will get rid of the windrows from the middle of the streets, he said.

A University of Jamestown professor is hoping to use the institution's Plainsong art and literary journal as a way to build bridges into the local and surrounding communities.

In the past, submitted content for Plainsong was accepted from UJ students, faculty, staff and alumni. This year, the

editorial board for Plainsong is accepting submissions

from the North Dakota region and surrounding states.

Plainsong is the art and literary journal of the University of Jamestown that is published once a year by the English department, according to UJ's website. The creative magazine is locally edited by the English department, which is the editorial board of Plainsong, and includes poetry, photography, art and fiction and nonfiction short stories.

Individuals can submit up to five poems, two short stories, two pieces of creative nonfiction, five photographs and five pieces of artwork. Fiction and nonfiction pieces need to be under 12 pages. The deadline to submit items is Dec. 31.

The North Dakota Workforce Development Council is recommending the state Legislature invest $171.3 million for funding operations and programming of new and expanding career and technology centers and career and technical education programming.

Sen. Cole Conley, R-Jamestown, and Reps. Craig Headland, R-Montpelier, and Bernie Satrom and Mitch Ostlie, both R-Jamestown, toured the James Valley Career and Technology Center on Tuesday, Nov. 29. Jamestown High School Principal Adam Gehlhar said the Jamestown Public School District invited the local legislators to talk about the needs of the James Valley Career and Technology Center and other area career and technology centers.

In the state Workforce Development Council's report of recommendations,

the top priority is to find or secure $171.3 million in funding

. The funding includes $23 million for new and expanding programs and one-time requests of over $88.2 million for the continuation of new and expanding career and technical education centers, $40 million for the impact of inflation and another $20 million for career and technical education centers not approved in 2021-23.

A holdup on federal funds being released is delaying a planned project of the James Valley Career and Technology Center that targets workforce needs. The project includes an addition of a 7,000-square-foot addition to the south of the existing Career and Technology Center. Plans also call for the renovation of some existing space within the center and the establishment of an accessible greenhouse for the agricultural trades program.

Preliminary plans called for the James Valley Career and Technology Center to hold a groundbreaking on its project this past summer. The estimated cost of the project has increased from about $1.6 million to more than $2 million, Gehlhar said.