Cases Decline In Mercer County, COVID Activity Still 'High'

MERCER COUNTY, NJ — Mercer County saw another drastic decline in positive COVID-10 cases for the second week straight.

As of Friday, Mercer County reported 280 new confirmed COVID-19 cases — a 40 percent decline since last week. However, this week the County reported six new lab-confirmed deaths and three hospital-reported deaths.

The COVID-19 activity report, ending Jan. 22 places Mercer County at "high" risk for COVID-19 transmission. At the "high" risk level, between 10-25 out of every 100,000 people were estimated to have the virus.

Statewide too, New Jersey is seeing a decline in positive COVID-19 cases.

Meanwhile, three cases of the new omicron subvariant have been detected in New Jersey, a spokesperson for the Department of Health said Thursday afternoon. Read More: 'Stealth Omicron' Subvariant Detected In NJ

The subvariant of omicron, known as BA.2, is also dubbed "stealth omicron" because its particular genetic traits make it harder to detect, and evidence suggested it will spread even more quickly than its infamous parent.

However, this new subvariant is not considered a variant of concern, according to the World Health Organization.

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This article originally appeared on the Lawrenceville Patch