Caucus to fill vacant Gary city council spot set for Oct. 21

A caucus to fill the Gary Common Council’s vacant at-large seat will take place on Oct. 21, Lake County Democratic Party Chair Jim Wieser told the Post-Tribune.

The caucus, held at 10 a.m. at the Calumet Township Multipurpose Center, will fill the council seat previously held by Gary Councilwoman Lori Latham, D-1st, who was selected for her current role in an uncontested September 23 caucus. Latham’s seat was previously left vacant by former Gary Council President William Godwin, who lost his primary reelection bid in May and left the council to pursue a White House fellowship in August.

Godwin was unseated in the Democratic primary by Mark Spencer, a teacher and the director of the West Side Theatre Guild. Spencer will compete alongside at-large incumbents Darren Washington and Ron Brewer and Republican challenger Ivan Ursery in the November 7th general election. Ursery is considered a long-shot in the heavily Democratic city, and Spencer is expected to join the incumbents on the council in January, when newly elected members are sworn in.

The caucus presents an opportunity for Spencer to enter office early. He confirmed that he plans to run in the caucus. It is not yet clear whether the caucus will be contested. Candidates seeking to run must register with Wieser at least 72 hours before it takes place.