CDC Puts A Hold On World Travel Advisories

The CDC has announced the organization will cease posting a country-by-country list of travel requirements related to Covid-19.

Starting Monday, October 3rd, the CDC will only post countries that have alarming Covid-19 variant issues or any other problem that would cause harm in order to change their travel recommendations. The CDC states very clearly that travelers should take their own initiative on staying informed of the vaccines and restrictions for international travel. Travelers should also be up to date on all vaccines and boosters available.


Dr. Leana Wen, Medical Analyst for CNN stated we’re in, “a phase in the pandemic where people need to make their own decisions based on their medical circumstances as well as their risk tolerance when it comes to contracting Covid-19.”

Unsplash | Daniel Schludi
Unsplash | Daniel Schludi

Wen, who is an emergency physician and professor of health policy and management stated that vaccination is the most important safety factor for travel.

The explanation:

“Most people who are up-to-date on their vaccines are highly protected from becoming severely ill,” said Wen.

The CDC still recommends US citizens and permanent residents to get tested for Covid-19 before entering the states from overseas destinations. They also advise on not traveling if you’re sick.

“Of course, if people have symptoms or exposure while traveling, they need to get tested, and if they test positive, to follow CDC’s isolation guidelines,” Wen said