Celebration of Life to be held for Ida Terry

Aug. 4—Ida, age 83, passed away on May 20, 2022, at her residence in Athens.

A Celebration of Life service will be Saturday, Aug. 6, 2022, at Athens First United Methodist Church sanctuary at 1 p.m. followed by a reception at The Donnell House, 601 S. Clinton Street, Athens.

In lieu of flowers, Ida designated the following memorials:

* Athens First United Methodist Church Manna Meals Ministry, Beyond Blessed

* Donnell House

* Hearts for Homeless

* Hospice of Limestone County

* Hunters Helping the Hungry

* Limestone County Churches Involved

* Shower Up — Huntsville

Terry was an involved member of the Athens-Limestone community.

She taught at Elkmont High School and Calhoun Community College. She served on the executive board of the Limestone County Churches Involved and coordinated numerous efforts for them, including Stuff-A-Truck, Stuff-A-Bus, Hunters Helping the Hungry and Shower Up programs.

She was the board president of the Donnell House for seven years and served on the Historic Preservation Commission.

Terry was an active member of the Athens First United Methodist Church.

Terry's daughter, Sara Terry Vanderburg, shared the following about Terry's career as a teacher, "Many of the kind notes, memorial gifts, texts, phone calls, and Facebook messages have been from Mother's former students — all of which have been a tremendous comfort to my brother, Curtis, and me. Several years ago, a former Elkmont student noted that he continued to spell certain words — ones containing the letters 'T' and 'B' — just as she did in class: 'T as in 'Tom,' B as in 'boy'. T-Tom, B-Boy.' Two days after her death, there was a post on her Facebook page — a succinct and wonderful message, from another former student — and one which said it all:
