Centerstage with: Madi Sipe, Lauren Scott of 'Chicago'

You are: Madi Sipe and Lauren Scott, both college students in Abilene and Abilene High graduates.

We've seen you before in: Neither has been in a McMurry production - Sipe is a sophomore at Abilene Christian University while Scott is an incoming freshman at McMurry. Sipe was Ado Annie in AHS's "Oklahoma!" and was Hamlet in a 2020 outdoor production of "Hamlet." Scott was in a January production of "Matilda" at AHS.

Sipe said she went to school for three years with Scott but didn't really get to know her like she does now, having worked on "Chicago."

"It think it's so sweet. She has become one of my best friends just doing this together," Sipe said.

More:How McMurry scored a hit musical, and all that jazz

Taking on "Chicago":

Sipe: She is Velma, a captivating nightclub star, and Scott is Roxie, an aspiring entertainer. Both run afoul of the law and eventually represented by the same attorney, Billy Flynn.

Sipe said she has not seen the movie that starred Oscar Best Supporting Actress winner Catherine Zeta-Jones in her role, Renée Zellweger and Richard Gere, but did see a high school production.

"The day after I got the part of Velma, I flew out to New York. I rushed out to get a ticket and watched it on Broadway," she said. She laughed. She was going to New York City anyway - not just to see the show, she clarified.

"I'm not usually one to watch the show that I'm in but it's such a cult classic. There's a right way to do 'Chicago.' I'm not a copycat. I think that is stealing. But Bob Fosse, the original choreographer, is iconic and there's things you have to do in 'Chicago.' You have to do it right or it's not 'Chicago.'

"Seeing it on Broadway really opened my eyes to this world. 'Chicago' is unlike anything else.'"

Scott: "I used to listen to the 'Chicago' soundtrack all the time," she said. "But I never really knew what the story was about. I didn't start looking into the show until after I got the part. 'o, well, now I've got to do my homework.'

"I read the script, an online copy that Madi sent me just to get familiar with it. The more I read it, the more fun it was. Then I watched the movie."

Which is different from the stage musical. She also watched videos of performances, taking it all in to develop how she would play Roxie.

"It's something I found a lot of passion in researching," she said.

What you've learned about yourself playing your character:

Sipe: "You usually don't see two lead females that are completely equal," she said. "I have few more songs and dances, Lauren has a bit more dialogue and plot in the story. But at the end of the day, these two take their bows together. That makes it so special because not one Roxie is the same, not one Velma is the same and not one Roxie and Velma are the same. "

She discovered what drives a 1920s woman such as Velma, who exudes confidence as a performer who wears mesh and black. Those cover up what she has had to go through in life, Sipe said.

"I am not a mean person but Velma Kelly, phew, she is hard and she is mean," she said. "So it's rooting myself in that honesty. So there is so much leeway and so many directions you can take it. You can watch video after video and after view and you'll never see the same two of them."

Sipe was asked by choreographer Teri Wilkerson, owner of Dance Discovery Studios, and Riley Arnold, office manager there, to audition for the show.

"I will do anything for Teri Wilkerson, ever, ever, ever for that woman. She has my heart," Sipe said, laughing.

"I knew this role would grow me and stretch me," she said. "This show would be crazy for me. That's why I'm here, for the show and the people."

She is majoring in musical theater at ACU with a minor in business. She could ramp that up to a double major.

Scott: She agrees with Sipe that Roxie and Velma are strong characters and no two performances are alike.

"they are mesmerizing to watch," she said, adding that director Neena McLain and choreographer Wilkerson have been open to how she wants to portray Roxie.

"Being completely open-minded to how I will interact with the characters ... I have seen Roxie played very malicious and I've seen her played really goofy, and sometimes both at the same time. For my Roxie, I'm trying to make her manipulative but also naive at the same time. She doesn't understand how much power she holds and or how much power Velma holds, and it's a constant battle between both of them.

"'Chicago' at the end of the day is about two strong women. To play these two characters, you have to find that power in yourself."

Roxie is the perfect role to launch her into college.

"As soon as I knew I was going to McMurry, it was planned I was going to be a part of the theater program," Scott said.

She enjoyed her theater experience at AHS, and "I knew it wasn't something I wanted to give up yet. When I heard they were doing 'Chicago' this year, I thought this was a way to introduce myself to the theater program in general. To get an inside look into what I could be involved with for the coming school year."

Scott is majoring in studio art but is considering a minor in theater, she said.

What are other highlights:

Sipe: She has enjoyed being on stage with Serayah Peters, who is "Mama" Morton. They have a duet toward the end of the show.

"Being with a musician of that caliber is just wonderful," she said.

Sipe has learned Fosse, for sure.

"It is stylized theater, for sure," she said. "It's not sexy, like gross. It's isolated. It's like I have a beautiful shoulder, let me roll it for you. I have a wonderful wrist, let me roll it real slow. "

Scott: "Chicago" is a step in a new direction for the freshman.

"It has been very different from my theater experience," she said. "When I was at Abilene High, I was mainly in the dance ensembles. So I had a good taste of dance but I haven't had the struggles that come with being a lead and learning songs that aren't sung with tons of other people. So this being my first show that's not a high school production and being a lead, it's made me nervous. But it's also made me really, really excited about the next school year and what I'll be doing."

Greg Jaklewicz is editor of the Abilene Reporter-News and general columnist. If you appreciate locally driven news, you can support local journalists with a digital subscription to

If You Go

What: "Chicago," third and final summer production by McMurry University

When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday

Where: Ryan Little Theatre, McMurry campus

Tickets: $18 general admission.

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: Centerstage with: Madi Sipe, Lauren Scott of 'Chicago'