If you have a chance to save a life, do it. You'll be glad you did

Michael “Mick” McMahan
Michael “Mick” McMahan

Jeff Bryant is the father of my granddaughters, Morgan and Jordan Bryant. Speaking recently at his mother’s funeral, Jeff reminded us of a famous quote by Mark Twain: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

In the song, “Already Gone,” written by Bobby Pinson, Jennifer Nettles, and Kristian Bush, the group, Sugarland, sings these words: “Life is a runaway train you can’t wait to jump on.” As we reach some level of maturity, we hop on that train and take off with little thought of where we are going or what we are doing and most certainly why?

Preaching in the wilderness near the Jordan River 2,000 years ago, John the Baptist challenged those who came to him to repent of their sins and be baptized. Though the weight of all they had done and failed to do was lifted from their shoulders, John’s followers soon realized it was not enough. They asked John, “what should we do?”

John said, “if you have two tunics, give one to a person who has none. If you have ample food, share with those who are hunger.” Even tax collectors asked what they should do. “Collect only the taxes that are due and nothing more.” To soldiers he said, “be satisfied with your wages and do not extort money from civilians.” (Luke 3: 10-18)

In other words, the ‘why’ is to help those who are in need and if you are a person of authority, conduct yourself in an honest and ethical manner.

Many of these same converts soon found a different prophet, one who knew and respected John, but added deeper meaning to John’s lessons. When a young man asked Jesus what he should do to inherit the Kingdom of God, he answered, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself.” Illustrating who is our neighbor and how we are to love them, he told the story of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25 -37)

Cameron Lyle is 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighs a muscular 255 pounds. In his senior year in college, he could throw a shotput 14.4 meters. That’s 47.4 feet! It was enough to earn second place in a track and field meet that qualified Cameron, a senior at the University of New Hampshire, to compete for a conference championship. If successful, he might be asked to try out for the Olympics.

But it was not to be. When he was a sophomore, Cameron had joined the football team as they lined up in the cafeteria for an organization called, “Be The Match.” There someone took a mouth swab and put Cameron’s name on the national register of bone morrow transplant volunteers. Weeks before his opportunity to compete for the shotput title, he got a call telling him he was a match for a man suffering with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. The patient’s last option for treatment was a bone marrow transplant and the need was urgent.

The chances that Cameron Lyle’s bone marrow had the potential to save the life of a 28-year-old chef and father were 1 in 5 million. A person is seven times more likely to be struck by lightening than to be a bone marrow transplant match.

New Hampshire track and field Coach John Boulanger remembers it this way: “He came into my office, closed the door, and said ‘Coach, we need to talk.’ And then he told me, ‘I’m a bone marrow match. The only chance this person has is my bone marrow and there is no time to spare. I am going to skip the conference championship and try to save someone’s life.”

“People say he only gave up track” Coach Boulanger said. “But no, it’s more than that. You give up championships. This was his shot. But he gave it up for the right reason. And in the end, he contributed to our athletic programs as an athlete, as a student, and as a person. You can’t ask for more than that.”

Cameron Lyle understood that he was not born to throw a heavy, round ball fifty feet. He was born to love others, even a person he did not know, and to love them as much as he loved himself. He learned his why was to try to save someone’s life.

You might be someone’s match. I followed Cameron’s example and attempted to register my bone marrow, but I was outside the age requirements. If you are between the ages of 18 and 40, you can register. As my mother often said, “It’s as easy as pie.” Go to: BeTheMatch.com. Answer a few simple questions. A kit will be sent to your home. Take a swab from your mouth and return it as instructed. You may have the opportunity to save a life.

The two most important days of our lives are the day we are born and the day we learn why. Don’t let that runaway train that is your life carry you past your why so fast that you cannot slow down and learn what you should do. You may only get one shot. Take it. You will be glad you did.

Michael McMahan resides in Gastonia.

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: Bone marrow donation offers chance to save lives