Are the Cheating Rumors True? What We Know About Mark, LC, and Jessica.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

J-Lo and A Rod. Kritsten Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Beyonce and Jay-Z. Mark Cuevas and Jessica Batten. Do you know what all these couples have in common? Cheating.

Fans loved Mark when first appeared in Love is Blind last year. A young guy who likes older women (Jessica has ten years on him), and who is all for commitment, despite his young age. Sounds like the perfect guy on paper, right?

Unfortunately, we were fooled. Mark’s easy-going personality certainly made us believe he’d never cheat on his partners. But alas, you never really know a person, especially someone on a reality TV show.

After Mark left Love is Blind single (Jessica left poor Mark at the altar), he met his now-fiancé Aubrey Rainey, with whom he currently shares a son. Fans were happy that Mark finally got his happily ever after until the cheating rumors began to surface. Turns out, according to former LIB contestant Lauren “LC” Chamblin, she and Mark dated each other from May to June 2020. Until, well, he cheated on her.

But that’s not even the worst of it. Lauren found out from a co-worker, because one of their friends was “dating” Mark. Shee-esh. Instead of owning up to his mistakes, Mark denied that he and Lauren were ever in an official relationship, saying he “enjoyed spending time with LC for a few weeks, but at no point were we in an exclusive relationship, as LC confirmed herself. I wish her the absolute best.”

What an absolute gaslighter. You’d think that Mark would face his demons at the reunion special, Love is Blind: After the Altar, but neither he nor his fiancé showed up. But Lauren did, and she set the story straight: 1. She and Mark were in an official relationship, despite Mark's so-called claims they weren’t. 2. The woman Mark cheated on Lauren with was his current fiancé, Aubrey. 3. Lauren confronted Aubrey on Instagram about the cheating rumors, but she never responded. 4. Mark never apologized to Lauren for cheating on her.

We’re not sure we can root for Mark anymore after the cheating allegations and the reveal of his asshole-ish behavior. But you know what they say: what goes around comes around. Watch your back, Mark. Karma comes eventually, especially when a woman has been scorned.

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