
Check out the Sultan of Brunei's Car Collection

Photo credit: GTBoard / YouTube
Photo credit: GTBoard / YouTube

From Road & Track

If you're familiar with the car collector scene, you've undoubtedly heard about the Brunei Royal family and their massive collection of luxury, exotic, and one-off cars. Rumored to have over 2500 vehicles in total, the Brunei collection features some of the car world's most sought-after pieces of machinery.

Photo credit: GTBoard / YouTube
Photo credit: GTBoard / YouTube

This video, posted by GTBoard on YouTube, contains a collection of different photos taken from within the Brunei collection warehouses, and features some truly wild automobiles. Just in these pictures alone, we count four McLaren F1s, eight Jaguar XJ220s, two(!) Ferrari FXs, and a seemingly endless amount of Mercedes SLs.

Photo credit: GTboard / YouTube
Photo credit: GTboard / YouTube

But that's only scratching the surface. The video contains dozens of pictures from the Brunei collection, with all sorts of wild one-offs and special commissions even the most knowledgable of car enthusiasts would have a hard time naming.

Photo credit: GTBoard / YouTube
Photo credit: GTBoard / YouTube

Watch for yourself to see if you can identify them all. And make sure to pick your jaw off the floor once your done.

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