Chickasha's 2nd Friday Art Walk scheduled for March 10

Feb. 28—The Chickasha Area Arts Council's 2nd Friday Art Walk will return to the downtown area on March 10.

From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., many businesses will stay open after hours to host live artists, artwork and/or display art in their windows along Chickasha Ave.

There will be new artists and new performances this month, Dana Helms, who took the lead on organizing the art walk, said.

A member of the Oklahoma Bassoon Studio will perform in the foyer of the Petroleum Building. An a cappella group will travel around the event to sing for attendees.

The art walk also has a new logo, provided by First National Bank's Kenny Tolman. Shakespeare Wine Company will provide a map of the event.

In April, First National Bank will display art and have a live cellist. Blossom Boutique will have live artists. Also next month, there will be wine garden behind Shakespeare Wine Company with bistro tables and sculptures.

There is no cost to participate. For more information or to sign up, contact Helms at 405-203-2834.

On March 10, the following businesses and artists will be participating:

At the Chickasha Area Arts Council, there will be an arts show, music by BanD's Lighthouse and wine provided by Shakespeare Wine Company. The gift shop will feature art from more than 35 artisans.

The Chickasha Community Theatre will display artwork by young artists. The theatre will also have restrooms and concessions open to the public.

Downtown Tattoo 405 will have an on-site live artist rendering by Garrett Hall and Mother Mode Media.

The Bookstore on the Corner will feature Katie Sekula of Oklahoma Bassoon Studio and artist Wes Hallmark.

Jay's Jewelry and Okie Mountain Trading Co. will host artists, authors and photographers in the hallway between the two stores.

The Grady County Historical Society will feature art from founding citizens, which will be displayed in the windows.

Alexander Eats will be open, featuring artist Ross Ridge

Art Wrecker Studios will have an art show during the event.

Canadian River Brewing Co. will be open with musical performances by Michael Munguia.

The Chickasha Art Center will host art by owner Carrie Chavers, Bryan Bramblett, Bob Powell, Mike Hixon, Lacey Dutton, Thomas Buchanan, Olivia East, Gina Zhidov, Julie Gordon and live guitar by Christian Economu.

Steegman's will be open will artwork on display inside and outside by Charles Steelman and tapestries by Dana Helms.

Farmer's Insurance will have some of Helms' paintings in their windows.

Burn's Law Firm and Tammie's Bling will have artwork in their windows.

Legendary Bicycles will have paintings by Bryan Bramblett.

The Shay will have artwork displayed in their windows.

Brink's Downtown Boutique will feature art from John Crump.

Iron Tree Coffee will be open and serving cocktails and coffee and Helms will be on site doing a live painting performance.

The following businesses will also be open during the event: Shakespeare Wine Company, Always Real Estate Services, Brandi's, High Vibes, Tavern Games, The Den Downtown, The Flower Shop, The Blossom Boutique and Choice Hospice.