Chicken poo is being used for crowd control now

A town in Sweden has found a sure fire way to keep social distancing, whether people want to or not -- ward them off with chicken poo.

That's right -- the university town of Lund has begun spreading the droppings in its central park to put off any would-be revellers that show up to celebrate Walpurgis Night on Thursday (April 30).

Here's mayor Philip Sandberg.

(SOUNDBITE)(Swedish) MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF LUND CITY COUNCIL, PHILIP SANDBERG, SAYING:"We don't want Lund to become some kind of an infection epicentre. Chicken manure has two effects - firstly it will smell which means that it won't be particularly nice to sit here behind me in the park today and have a picnic in the grass but it's also good for the lawn and good for the park. It contains a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus so we're taking the opportunity to do a lot of maintenance work in the park today."

Sweden has taken a softer approach than many other European countries--

by asking rather than ordering people to maintain social distancing.

In line with this policy, authorities have requested people avoid gathering for this year's Walpurgis Night, but have not banned festivities.