Can you get chickenpox as an adult?

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Photo credit: CactuSoup - Getty Images

From Netdoctor

Chickenpox is an illness caused by the varicella-zoster virus and most commonly presents in children under the age of 10. Thankfully, once you’ve had it, you’re usually (but not always) immune from catching it again. However, those who have never had it as a child, or who have not been vaccinated against it, are at risk of catching it as an adult.

Unfortunately, the symptoms for adult chickenpox are often more severe and come with possible added complications. Here’s everything you need to know about chickenpox in adults:

Will I catch chickenpox?

Concerned you might have been exposed to the chickenpox virus?

'Adults who are most susceptible to catching chickenpox are those who haven’t had the virus as a child, or those who haven’t had a chickenpox vaccination,' says Abbas Kanani, pharmacist at Chemist Click.

According to Kanani, you are also at greater risk of catching chickenpox if any of the following applies:

  • You live with a child who hasn’t been vaccinated against chickenpox.

  • You come into contact with the spots of someone suffering from chickenpox.

  • You share items with someone who has chickenpox (eg towels, clothes bedding).

  • You work in an environment with a large number of children (such as a school or nursery).

There are additional risk factors too, among those who have not had chickenpox as a child. 'People with impaired immunity, such as smokers and pregnant women, also have an increased risk of contracting the virus,' explains Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient.

What are adult chickenpox symptoms?

Red spots are the most obvious symptom. 'These usually look like small blisters within a few days of appearing and then eventually scab over,' says Dr Thornber. 'In the days prior to the spots appearing, some people also experience other symptoms, including a high temperature (over 38C), generally feeling lethargic and unwell, and a loss of appetite.'

⚠️ If you have adult chickenpox, you will need to stay away from work until all the spots have crusted over. This is usually a week after the spots first appeared.

How long does chickenpox in adults last?

Similar to children, chickenpox in adults usually starts around 10 to 21 days after being exposed to the virus. 'New spots usually appear for around 7 days, and will usually scab over after 10 to 14 days,' says Kanani. 'Once all blisters have scabbed over into a crusty texture, you are no longer contagious.'

How can you ease chickenpox symptoms?

Itching like mad? You're going to need to exercise a great deal of self control. 'As hard as it can be, try not to scratch the spots, as it may make them bleed or leave scars,' warns Dr Thornber. 'Cooling creams and/or gels can help to ease the itching. Take paracetamol, drink lots of fluids to keep hydrated, wear loose-fitting clothes and take a bath in tepid water.'

💡Brew a few bags of chamomile tea and, once cooled, apply the tea to your skin using cotton pads. Chamomile has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects and can help with irritation.

Is it dangerous to get chickenpox for adults?

For adults, chickenpox symptoms are similar to children, but it does tend to be more severe. 'As well as symptoms of chickenpox being more severe, adults also have a higher chance of developing complications than children, the most common being pneumonitis (inflammation of the lung tissue),' says Kanani.

'This usually affects smokers more than non-smokers. Chickenpox in adults can also cause inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or an infection in the lungs (pneumonia), although this is rare.'

⚠️ If you develop a rash and think you might have adult chickenpox, make an emergency appointment with your doctor or call 111 to speak to a medical professional.

Pregnancy and chickenpox

If you are pregnant and you develop chickenpox, you are at an increased risk of serious complications. 'If you do catch chickenpox while pregnant (or notice any rashes appearing on your body), make an urgent appointment to see your GP,' says Kanani. 'You should be high priority as you are pregnant.'

'If for whatever reason you cannot get a same-day appointment, visit your local walk-in centre,' he adds. 'Depending on your situation, you may be prescribed anti-viral medication, to reduce the risks of complications to you and your unborn child.'

Chickenpox and shingles – what’s the deal?

Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by the same virus responsible for chickenpox, but is it the same thing? 'If you have had chickenpox in the past, the virus remains dormant in your body,' explains Kanani.

'It can reactivate years later, in the form of shingles. It isn’t quite understood why this happens, but it is thought to be caused by a weakened immune system. If you have shingles, you are unable to pass it on to anybody else. However, somebody who has never had chickenpox before is able to catch it from someone with shingles.'

💡 You can get the chickenpox vaccine on the NHS if you have a weakened immune system. Ask your GP for advice.

Last updated: 16-10-19

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