Childhood Obesity Awareness Month: Find the right role in prevention

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month is in September, and it is dedicated to educating children and their families on how to prevent childhood obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sponsors National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month each year to promote healthy growth and prevent childhood obesity.

About 1 in 5 American children has obesity. Compared to children with healthy weight, children with overweight or obesity are at a higher risk for a variety of medical issues later in life, including, high blood pressure, asthma, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

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Adults with obesity have higher risks for stroke, many types of cancer, premature death and mental illness, such as clinical depression and anxiety.

Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and a lack of parental involvement are all factors that contribute to childhood obesity. Continuing concerns about the role video games play among children and teenagers in their contribution to obesity is also of concern.

Some important facts about childhood obesity

1. One in six children are affected

More than 12.7 million American children have obesity — that’s almost 20% of all children aged 2 to 19.

2. Overweight children become overweight adults

Obese children are much more likely to become obese adults, as well as develop life-threatening diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

3. Your ethnicity affects your likelihood of obesity

Obesity affects approximately 48% of non-Hispanic Blacks, 42% of Hispanics, 36% of non-Hispanic Whites, and 12% of non-Hispanic Asians.

4. Childhood obesity can lead to depression

Children who are overweight are much more likely to be bullied than their normal-weight peers.

5. Snacking adds an additional 200 daily calories

Kids snack a lot, especially when they're watching TV or playing video games, and one study found that children consume about 200 extra calories per day.

A team approach to support healthy growth

Many actors need to be involved in working in a complementary manner to address the issue of promoting the healthy growth of children and preventing obesity. These may include:

  • parents and caregivers

  • state and local health departments, businesses and community groups

  • health care providers

  • early care and education centers (including pre-school and day care centers)

The goal for children who are overweight is to reduce the rate of weight gain while allowing normal growth and development. Children should NOT be placed on a weight reduction diet without the consultation of a health care provider.

Remember that small changes every day can lead to longer-term success.

Role of the family: Four things families can do to prevent childhood obesity

1. Model healthy eating patterns

Adopting healthy eating patterns as a family helps children reach and maintain a healthy weight as they age. Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean protein foods, and low-fat and fat-free dairy products follows nutrition guidelines and sets your family up for optimal health.

2. Move more as a family

Physically active youth have stronger muscles and bones, better cardiovascular fitness, and lower body fat than those who are inactive. Children aged 3–5 years should be physically active throughout the day. Children aged 6–17 years need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

3. Set consistent sleep routines

Good sleep helps prevent type 2 diabetes, obesity, injuries, and problems with attention and behavior. Kids who don’t get enough sleep are at risk for unhealthy weight gain. Preschoolers need 11–13 hours of sleep per day, including naps. Children 6–12 years old need 9–12 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night, and youth 13–18 need 8–10 hours.

4. Replace screen time with family time

In young people, too much screen time can lead to poor sleep, weight gain, lower grades in school, and poor mental health. Reducing screen time can free up time for family activities and can remove cues to eat unhealthy food.

This month is also an excellent opportunity for parents to learn more about how they can help their children’s health.

Research suggests that family-based approaches are among the most successful in intervening and/or preventing childhood obesity. Parents can influence their children's caloric intake and energy expenditure by controlling the home environment, providing education and support, and modeling healthful behaviors.

As we move into the school year, take time as a family to stay involved with your children in a positive manner.

Thanks to the National Today online and the CDC for content.

Additional Information

An in-depth resource providing from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) provides a more detailed look at relevant issues to address childhood obesity. Access is at

Mark A. Mahoney, Ph.D. has been a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist for over 30 years and completed graduate studies in Nutrition & Public Health at Columbia University. He can be reached at

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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Take 4 steps: Families can model behaviors to reduce childhood obesity