China flexes military muscle on 70th anniversary

China pulled out all the stops on Tuesday...

for a massive military show celebrating 70 years

of Communist Party rule.

The country is facing mounting challenges... a trade war with the United States

....and anti-government protests in Hong Kong.

But Beijing kept the focus on pomp, ceremony....

and an arsenal of new military hardware.

When President Xi Jinping stepped up to the mic

...his message was confident.


"No force can ever shake the status of China, or stop the Chinese people and nation from marching forward."

President Xi didn't mention the months of civil unrest shaking Hong Kong.

But his speech made it clear where he stands on the issue.


"China must maintain lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong...and continue to strive for the motherland's complete reunification."

President Xi has pushed hard to modernise China's military

And on Tuesday (Oct 1) - the results were on display.

He hailed row after row of troops -

praising them for their hard work.

The People's Liberation Army rolled out an array of homegrown weapons.

Including the DF-41 - an intercontinental ballistic missile that can carry several nuclear warheads

Analysts say it can reach as far as the United States.

With 70 floats and 15,000 soldiers

the parade stretched for over two hours:

A flashy display for milllions watching the live broadcast at home.

But it didn't run without a hitch

Even though officials had worked hard ahead of time to crack down on emissions....

On Tuesday, the troops and missiles rolled past the guests and cameras....under smoggy skies.