Asian Americans Shared Superstitions They Follow, And Wow, I Won't Be Giving Shoes As Gifts

It's October, otherwise known as #SpookySzn, and I, like most people, am excited about all the things that fall and Halloween bring.

Halloween has been a long time coming, and people have been enthusiastic for a few months already. It feels like the second you start seeing Spirit Halloween stores pop up, it's time to start thinking about costumes, decorations, and candy choices.

This got me thinking: What would be a fun way to get people even more into the spooky spirit?

Graphic of the moon, butterflies, shoes in a case, a hot beverage, and chopsticks in food

What is something that can bring us together and also teach us more about different cultures? Superstitions.

Kathy Hoang / BuzzFeed

So I reached out to our community on A*Pop, BuzzFeed's AAPI identity brand, to ask about cultural superstitions they know and possibly follow.

Starting off the conversation, I shared a superstition that I've followed my entire life, courtesy of my Filipino mother (Hi, Mom!):

Here are some of the responses we received:

1.Sleeping With the Fan On

2.Chopsticks Sticking Straight Up in Your Food

Chopsticks resting on the side of a bowl filled with noodles

3.Stepping Over People

View from the ground of someone jumping over something outdoors

4.Turning Your Plate

5.Deceased Relatives With Butterflies and Dreams

Anna Salmi / Via

"A superstition I remember is something about butterflies being the souls of our dead loved ones who are visiting! Oh, and if a dead relative comes to you in your dreams, they aren't at peace."


6.Taking a Ring Off Someone's Finger

A hand holding a ring between thumb and middle finger

7.Letting Food Cool Before Refrigerating

8.Gifting Someone With Shoes

Woman holding a boot from a box

9.Dropping Cutlery

Several bowls of food, a glass of water, and utensils on a table

10.Asking for Permission From Spirits to Avoid Their Wrath

What are superstitions that you know and possibly follow? Let us know in the comments below!

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Brooke Greenberg / BuzzFeed