Choreographing a less brutal world: Column

GOP politicians courting voters have decided that going after LGBTQ people is a winning issue. Ron DeSantis, I am talking to you. And those who think like you.

Haven’t LGBTQ people suffered enough? Haven’t they already paid the price for being different, not quite right? God’s twisted children?

I know some Christians say that they are just trying to follow the “will of God” and “family values” and the way of Jesus.

Is the way of Jesus telling some little boy who likes dolls and dresses that he is put together wrong? Would Jesus not have minded breaking bread with tax collectors and sinners…but refused the child people used to call “sissy”? Did Jesus judge people on the way they swung their hips when they walked? Is there any record of his turning a “sissy boy” into a Real Man?

Because if there is not, I want you to stop this nonsense. I don’t want any more people like Butch taking their own lives as he did. And I don’t want any more fellow church members calling his suicide “a tormented soul gone home.” The tormentors were the church people who thought he should be different, be better at being a boy and a man.

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His real name, his given first name, was not Butch. I don’t know how he got that nickname.

It was pretty obvious that he was “different,” even in elementary school. But back then, if I am remembering correctly, he used to laugh a lot. Was he a happy child? I don’t know.

He was in my fifth grade class. Mr. Cross, my teacher, somehow roped my mother into coming up with a skit for the school assembly. It must have been Mr. Cross’s turn to have his class perform.

Mother was a Jesus-loving, church-going, daily-Bible-reading-and-prayer woman. She was brought up a Methodist, but migrated to the Presbyterians, after a stint with the Southern Baptists. The Baptists told her she had to choose between dancing and Jesus. She loved dancing about as much as she loved Jesus. She was pretty sure the Baptists were wrong. So she ended up a Presbyterian because some members of my father’s family were members there.

When Mr. Cross called on Mother to come up with a program to perform for the rest of the school, she created a skit in which 3 kids danced the Charleston. Butch was the one boy, and there were two girls who pretended to be in competition for him. Why Butch? I suspect she spotted him as the most promising dancer of the boys in the class. She always liked Fred Astaire, slight of build and light on his feet. Maybe Butch reminded her of Fred Astaire.

Her choreography on behalf of the fifth grade of Tomlinson Elementary was a hit. Mr. Cross declared if they had had just a little more time, they could have made it to Broadway. Kudos to Sara Forrest Hunt, Butch and the other two students whose names I don’t remember. Bravo.

But the world was not kind to people like Butch. At some point despair took him down.

In the last couple of decades things have changed. Oh, they are not perfect, of course. But there is acceptance, and there is gay marriage.

Now the Christians, some of them, want to shove the whole thing backwards. They would love to get rid of gay marriage, at least in some states. They want to pull books from the school shelves that might indicate that children like Butch are different but not wrong or bad, just part of the endless variation that characterizes humanity. All shades, colors, heights, hair, language. They again want to equate homosexuality with pedophilia. Which are not the same at all.

I am a Christian too. And I am screaming NO. NO. Tammy Faye Bakker got a lot of things wrong, but she was right about acceptance of AIDS patients. She was right about her acceptance of people who were being rejected by the Church.

This is not just about their rights to live as free as straight people like me. We need their contributions. Do we really want to do without the likes of Elton John, Robin Roberts, Rock Hudson, Tennessee Wiliams and James Baldwin, Billie Jean King, Lana and Lilly Wachowski who created the Matrix movies? And Stephen Sondheim? We need everyone’s contributions, not just the people who look and think and love like us.

Anyone who wants to shove LGBTQ people back in the closet and out of positions teaching school or any other job they are qualified for and want is going to have a fight on their hands. No more suicidal boys and girls just because they are different. No more tormenting people. Do not denigrate them. Don’t even think about it.

— Write Staunton columnist Patricia Hunt at

This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: Restrictive laws based on family values can destroy family's most vulnerable