Christ followers, it’s time to awake from our slumber

Joe Wagley is a Realtor and broker in Lenawee County. He is the owner of The Wagley Group in Adrian and Manitou Beach. He can be reached at 517-265-6000 or by email at
Joe Wagley is a Realtor and broker in Lenawee County. He is the owner of The Wagley Group in Adrian and Manitou Beach. He can be reached at 517-265-6000 or by email at

First of all, let me express my love and deep appreciation for all of you … certainly to those within the household of faith but most importantly to those who are not. In my prayers and in the prayers of the faithful, we continually bring the people before God’s Throne of Grace.

What follows is for those who acknowledge Christ crucified and for those to whom Jesus will return one day, to claim as His own.

How can we as Christ followers sit on the sidelines in silence any longer? The compelling issues of our time and the unraveling of the societal fabric of our nation — and to a greater extent the world, should in every way completely clear the sinuses in order that our mindful fogginess will dissipate, so clarity of truth may reappear. Ambivalence and apathy, coupled with complacent attitudes, is what will utterly destroy us.

I attended recently the annual ‘friend-raising’ event for the Care Pregnancy Center of Lenawee at the Christian Family Centre in Adrian. For me, the evening highlighted in a very human way their mission, their vision and their challenge.

As the program began, everyone heard the song by Sean Feucht entitled, “Imago Dei” (“Image of God”). At 4 minutes and 5 seconds, this melody interspersed with powerful lyrics elicited a barrage of emotions in many, including me.

The opening prayer, the remarks from the board chair and director, the courageous testimonial of one individual acknowledging the tremendous help of CPC’s staff and volunteers, the keynote that gave us a higher perspective of the opportunities to serve and the one who boldly challenged us in a call to action. The entire presentation was focused on the heart.

Remarks were also given on the importance of defeating Proposal 3 on the November ballot. This constitutional amendment would make Michigan, under the guise of “reproductive freedom,” one of the least restrictive states on abortion at any stage. It would also extend unrestricted rights to children, thus eliminating parental rights.

Would you walk up to someone on the street and discharge a firearm in their face to kill them? No. It is against the law. How about when a little one presents itself at birth, would you blow its head off with a 9 mm? No, that would be murder. How about when the crown appears? No? Or maybe it’s easier when the little one remains unseen. OK, would you then believe it to be personal right? Are any of these scenarios justified in the eyes of the One who created you?

The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Really? Where does the fear come in when we act as if we know what is best? When we disregard God’s claim on His creation from day 1 … shoving God aside in order to pull ourselves up to sit on His Throne — all in the name of choice? Please read Psalm 139:13-16. I suggest the Message version.

These are the words of Jesus, “So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14 ESV That verse alone should capture our attention.

How can those who are not connected to Jesus, even aspire to try and adhere to the any of the commandments written by the finger of God, let alone No. 6. As Christians, we should act with consistency, credibility and continuity because we are held to a higher standard.

For us that are eternally secure, we have absolutely no excuse. When nonbelievers see disciples of Jesus acting in a way that in inconsistent with God’s word, no wonder they cry, “Hypocrite!” Jesus was right when He described the Pharisees and the rulers of the law, “They honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.”

I sense an awakening in the Body of Christ. Do you feel this renewal, in the depths of your soul? Fanning the flame of our faith and how that is demonstrated in the places where we live, matters.

Our actions should reflect the love of Christ as we demonstrate His forgiveness, seek reconciliation, and offer support … even to those who would spit in our faces, flip us off, unfriend us on social media, no longer speak with us … and even to those who would seek to stifle our speech or even try to remove us from the earth.

It’s time to wake up! The stakes have never been higher.

Joe Wagley is a Realtor and broker in Lenawee County. He is the owner of The Wagley Group in Adrian and Manitou Beach. He can be reached at 517-265-6000 or by email at

This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Joe Wagley: Christ followers, it’s time to awake from our slumber