Christian nationalism in Idaho is incompatible with a multicultural democracy | Opinion

Christian nationalism

Recently, Larry Arnn disingenuously claimed not to know what Christian nationalism is. Here is a definition adapted from Andrew Whitehead, Ph.D., author and authority on white Christian nationalism and incidentally, a Christian.

White Christian nationalism is a cultural framework that idealizes a particular expression of Christianity and advocates for a fusion of Christianity and American civic life. It holds their version of Christianity should be the principal and undisputed framework in the U.S. and that the government should vigorously preserve that cultural framework.

White Christian nationalism combines a number of concepts including strong moral traditionalism based social hierarchies. These revolve around race (white), gender (male), and sexuality (heteronormative), comfort with authoritarian social control. This includes strong rules and strong rulers that can make use of violence or threats of violence to maintain the social order with strict boundaries around national identity, civic participation, and social belonging. Also, there is in white Christian nationalism, a component of libertarian economics that celebrates wealth and power at the expense of ordinary Americans. Finally, Christian nationalism has a populist impulse and this inclines some Americans to feelings of victimization and conspiratorial thinking.

Clearly white Christian nationalism is incompatible with a multicultural democracy.

Tim Teater, Boise


In January 2015, Mike Masterson gave testimony to the State Affairs Committee of the Idaho Legislature regarding adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to Idaho’s Human Rights Act. At that time, he was Boise’s police chief and appeared in front of the committee in uniform. He spoke eloquently and convincingly that adding these four words to the Human Rights Act was not only important but essential for Idaho’s growth and future. He even handled a few “gotcha” questions from Republican representatives with confidence, grace and ease.

I attended this year’s Boise Pride Parade from start to finish. It was great to see Mayor McLean lead off the parade and then double-back and march with her enthusiastic supporters. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Mr. Masterson’s presence or his campaign’s as part of the parade. What happened between 2015 and 2023? I can only believe this was a deliberate choice on his part and that’s unfortunate.

Jim Edwards, Boise

Fomenting violence

Trump, MAGA Republicans, De Santis, and fellow-travelers rail against “grooming,” which they define broadly enough to ensnare reasonable, benign behavior, and “pedophilias,” defined to include all liberals. For years, continuing unabated.

Decal in back window of pickup on I-84 with silhouettes of kneeling, wrist-bound man and, behind him, man aiming pistol at kneeling man’s head, captioned “Shoot your local pedophile.” June 15.

Kellogg dad reportedly views meme depicting Leone Gary Plouche shooting the suspected abductor/abuser of Plouche’s son in 1984, captioned “How to catch a predator.” Recent.

The Kellogg dad is accused of gunning down entire neighbor family because their 18-year-old, learning-impaired son stands naked in window within sight of shooter’s young daughters, and law enforcement wasn’t reacting strongly enough. June 18.

The connections seem obvious. Projecting, assassinations seem inevitable in the present poisonous miasma of hate, intentionally created for political gain. If you voted for Trump, you made a cost/benefit analysis favoring your own interests. Time to own up to the consequences.

Jim Runsvold, Caldwell


You and your party are gaslighting Americans by focusing on President Biden’s ridiculous impeachment and Hunter Biden’s non-existent crimes.

You and your party are insisting on no abortions yet you show no support for these children and their families.

You and your party are doing nothing to support America’s infrastructure yet many Republicans are taking credit for President Biden’s infrastructure bills.

You and your party are doing nothing to support the IRS to get fair taxes from corporations to support infrastructure in the United States.

You and your party are supporting a mob-style criminal for president, what is your excuse for your traitorous behavior?

I am very disappointed by your performance.

Cynthia White, Garden City

Editorial board

As a longtime reader and supporter of the Idaho Statesman, I am concerned by a lack of transparency regarding a potential conflict of interest from a former editorial board member. It appears former Boise City Council Member Maryanne Jordan quietly left her position on the Statesman’s editorial board not long before emerging as campaign treasurer for challenger mayoral candidate Mike Masterson. I find it troubling that this connection was never disclosed, as it potentially calls into question the motives behind Idaho Statesman editorial pieces during the period just before Jordan’s departure.

Is it pure coincidence that Mike Masterson slammed his future opponent, Mayor Lauren McLean, in multiple op-eds printed by the Idaho Statesman during this overlap of Jordan’s editorial board tenure? And that opinion pieces (with Jordan’s name in the byline) amplified similar themes about policing and police accountability? Regardless, I expect a much higher degree of transparency and journalistic integrity from a respected institution like the Idaho Statesman and, at minimum, an explanation for not disclosing their board members’ potential conflicts. I’m disappointed.

Donna Yule, Boise

Editor’s note: A response to this letter can be found here.


As I watch the second Republican presidential debates, I am disappointed that not one of them has the good manners to respect the time limits nor do they actually answer the questions they are asked. They seem to be pre-programmed to bring up certain issues that are off-topic, and they all trash the current president in order to convince us they will do better. I already know the challenges President Biden has faced. What are they going to do?What is their position on immigration reform? Their views on health care? Abortion? Gay rights? How will they help close the gap between the rich and the poor? How do they plan to work with Democrats in order to actually get things done?

I am looking for a leader who has political experience, who has studied the U.S. Constitution, and who can bring the Senate and House together to do what is best for the American people. Someone who will surround themselves with the most educated and ethical advisors.

The field of Republican presidential candidates has only served to make our current president look pretty darn good.

Lori Poublon Ramirez, Meridian