The Christians response to gun violence should be compassion and prayer

Once again, senseless violence and gunfire has claimed innocent lives. A school in America is stained in blood, beautiful lives are lost to unimaginable hate, families are destroyed, and the role that guns play in American culture is center stage. Worse yet, hatred and anger are emerging in the worlds of social media, news media, and political discourse. Amid the torrent of legitimate anger, fear, and outrage over yet another inexplicable massacre by gun violence, it is vital that Christians take a genuinely Biblical approach to the tragic reality.

America’s cowardly adherence to the Second Amendment and unwillingness to resist the hypocrisy of the NRA is a huge problem. When the Second Amendment was ratified over 230 years ago, firearms were far different from the sophisticated weapons available today. In addition, the fledgling United States of America was little concerned with rogue gunmen entering spaces filled with unarmed and helpless children with automatic weapons determined to destroy life. It is irresponsible to argue that the Founding Fathers intended the right for psychotic gunmen to have the freedom to gun down innocent children.

However, it is also important to recognize that the constitutional right to bear arms is a fundamental aspect of American culture, governance, and national identity. In the tragic reality of evil shootings and senseless massacres, it is relevant to recognize the argument that if individuals had the right to be properly armed and ready to respond to this evil destruction of life, innocent lives would have been saved. Additionally, it is understandable that reactionary calls to remove long-held gun rights to law-abiding and peace-leaving citizens who would never murder innocent children is genuine factor for defensive anger and defensive fear.

The Christian response must be one of understanding and biblical authenticity—neither of which are authentically represented in the polarizing responses mentioned above. The problem is that many Christians have been so brainwashed in the absolutism of their own politized understanding of the gun debate that they are unwilling to even hear the legitimate concerns of the other side.

For a Christian to approach the gun debate in America, the first thing a believer must do is reject the idolatrous partisan politics of gun rights completely. Neither the Democratic or Republican party hold a genuinely Biblical voice regarding guns or gun violence in America. To clam otherwise is to pervert scripture for partisan gain and, in so doing, disgrace God. It is God, and God alone, that defines the legitimacy of Scripture and not the church, the political party, the Second Amendment, the NRA, or those who oppose gun violence.

As hard as it is for many emotionally-charged and legitimately reactionary Christians to accept, the solution to the sin of gun violence in America is not going to be solved through legislation, regulation, or governmental intervention. Solving the gun violence and the evil reality of countless innocent deaths in America at the hand of evil, gun-wielding criminals, begins with authentic prayer.

Authentic prayer is not the hapless and stupid “thoughts and prayers” that are popular on social media. Such ignorant expressions of concern are both offensive and ineffective. Genuine prayer is coupled with action and effort to end the very evil it prays against. Christians must then put doctrine, politics, and beliefs aside in order to hold meaningful conversations, dialogues, and mutually understandable legislation intended to address the whole picture of Gun violence—then follow with definitive actions to end the sin. This means addressing mental health, weapons availability, the culture of hate, institutional racism, and the popularity of dehumanizing speech. Gun violence will not go away, but Christians can work together to make a Biblical difference—or we can fight over mindless political ideology and make it worse.

This article originally appeared on Carlsbad Current-Argus: The Christians response to gun violence should be compassion, prayer