Church of Jesus Christ releases statement on Hurricane Otis

Debris lays on the beach after Hurricane Otis ripped through Acapulco, Mexico, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023. Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm, unleashing massive flooding, ravaging roads and leaving large swaths of the southwestern state of Guerrero without power or cellphone service.

On Thursday, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a statement in support of those affected in Mexico by Category 5 Hurricane Otis.

Elder Hugo Montoya, president of the Mexico Area of the church, gave a statement on the church’s aid in Acapulco.

“Our prayers are with all those who have been affected by this hurricane. The Church is actively working to help the people who are going through these difficult times through the established programs and our humanitarian aid allies.”

Church leaders in Mexico are currently evaluating relief efforts and how the church can be of best use in the area.

Meanwhile, all missionaries of the church volunteering in Acapulco were announced safe and accounted for.

While Hurricane Otis made it difficult for rescue workers to enter the city of Acapulco, political leaders cleared the roads on Wednesday night. At least 27 were killed with widespread destruction as of Thursday morning.

It was a Category 5 storm and the most powerful to hit Mexico in the last 50 years, per the release.

More than 1.5 million members of the church call Mexico home, per church statistics.

The state of Guerrero, where Acapulco is located, is located southwest of Mexico City and has four stakes, reported Church News.
