Cinnamon and pure vanilla are not just for the holidays. They have many healthy benefits

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I once counseled a family whose child was allergic to the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. Rare, but anything is possible.

The mom told me she couldn’t take her child into stores from October through December because these two scents were everywhere. For the non allergic rest of us, these are pleasant and memory-inducing scents that also have health benefits.

The vanilla used in baking and flavoring is extracted from the vanilla planifolia bean. Everything I will be saying is about pure vanilla extract, not a flavored added extract.

Vanilla is rich in a phenolic compound called vanillin.. There are limited studies that have shown that vanillin has antioxidant, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. With the limited amount of vanillin that would be eaten in baked goods, I would say any possible benefit would be minimal.

The scent of vanilla is its power. It has been described as warm, soothing and possibly seductive. It evokes memories. Common ingredient in perfume. Thomas Jefferson tasted vanilla ice cream in Paris in the 1780s. He wrote down the recipe and a copy is in the Library of Congress.

Cinnamon is the second scent of the season. Cinnamon is the second most popular spice in the United States. In ancient Egypt, cinnamon was used to treat coughing, arthritis and sore throats. Today, there is research linking cinnamon to reduced blood sugar levels. Some studies suggest that cinnamon may be able to reduce insulin resistance.

Cinnamon is high in antioxidants, which can protect your body from oxidative damage. The antioxidants also help reduce inflammatory processes in the body. Again, like vanilla, the amounts normally eaten would have limited health benefits, but the aroma is warm and cuddly. That said, there is no reason not to increase your intake.

Upping your cinnamon intake will boost the flavor and enjoyment of your foods. Easy ways to add this spice is to mix in with ground coffee, stir tea with a cinnamon stick, add it to muffins and pancakes and sprinkle on oatmeal and smoothies.

Sheah Rarback MS, RDN is a registered dietitian nutritionist in private practice in Miami.

Sheah Rarback
Sheah Rarback