City of Monroe approves how and when a park or street receives a name

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The City of Monroe concluded a multi-year project Monday with the adoption of a naming policy for such things as city streets and parks.

Earlier report: City of Monroe considering naming policy for streets, parks

Monroe City Council unanimously approved the naming policy at its meeting Monday. The policy establishes a process to consider naming of city-owned property, including parks, alleyways, recreational areas, municipal buildings, facilities and public right of ways. It also identifies numerous considerations and criteria associated with the naming of a city-owned property, establishing a workflow process from the initial online application/request, to administrative view, the review by the ethics committee for completeness of the application and review along with a recommendation to city council who, ultimately, is responsible for final approval or rejection of the request.

Monroe Mayor Robert Clark has been working with council members Kellie Vining and Andrew Felder, along with Clerk/Treasurer Michelle LaVoy and Communications Director Jody Egen in developing the naming policy. Council has been discussing such a policy for the past couple of years as they have faced several requests from individuals and groups in the community looking to honor those who have made significant contributions to the city.

"Think something that been in long discussion with council, for well over year," Clark said. "...I'd like to thank the committee, Councilwoman Vining, Councilman Felder... And also the support the committee received as we worked through many, many drafts, the support from administration, Clerk/Treasurer LaVoy, and our communications director.

"I think this is something the community has asked for, and something we've talked a lot about."

Per the policy, the city reserves the right to exclude naming applications that are contrary to Monroe public policy or the following purposes:

  • Dual naming of any public property including the honorary naming of city streets will not be considered.

  • No naming rights will be given to any public property which limits its use.

  • Naming associated to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, religious organizations, spiritual groups, and political affiliations will not be considered.

  • The dedication of small park amenities with an identifiable lifespan, and not intended to be permanent, such as park benches, tables, commemorative pathway markers, plaques/rock placements shall be addressed under a separate policy.

The policy also says that the city strongly discourages renaming of city-owned property, and recommends that "efforts to change a name be subject to the most crucial examination so as not to diminish the original justification for the naming or devalue the prior contributions.

The policy can be viewed in full on the city's website.

This article originally appeared on The Monroe News: City of Monroe approves naming policy