City to make comp plan amendment

Oct. 3—The Ottumwa City Council on Tuesday is expected to approve a second amendment to the city's 2040 Our Ottumwa Comprehensive Plan, which will provide year-two updates to reflect progress that has been made.

The first revision occurred in September 2020, mostly to modify language under the "Celebrating Diversity" goal. This amendment will be almost entirely tell the city's accomplishments in various areas, and also what the future holds.

The first big change is an introductory letter by mayor Rick Johnson, and following that are updated figures from the 2020 Census, changes in housing, and a the listing of programs the city offers in addition to the Mission 500 program.

Economic development, parks and recreation and future land use also have been updated, as has the transportation chapter to reflect Amtrak's continued commitment to Ottumwa as a California Zephyr stop.

Another part of the amendment is that the city will be posting a public dashboard on its website through Envisio in coordination with the comprehensive plan, so the public can monitor what has been accomplished. Each department responsible for a certain area must update the dashboard.

A copy of the updated comprehensive plan can be found on the city's website.

The city is also expected to approve the second readings for both the gas and electric franchise fee ordinance changes after both were approved by the council on a 3-1 vote at the Sept. 20 meeting. For the ordinance to be formally adopted, a third reading must be approved.

The city also will hold a public hearing for amending the zoning ordinance for 1235 Hutchinson Ave., where developers anticipate building a Dollar General store. However, the planning and zoning commission only approved of the rezoning on a 5-4 vote, on the condition that the property be developed within two years and that liquor sales and pawn shop uses not be allowed.

Also at the meeting, the council is likely to approve a resolution calling for a request-for-proposal to purchase, renovate and redevelop the 131 E. Main St. building, formerly the First National Bank building. The RFP process is expected to stretch into January, but the city's preference is to see the building converted into residential use on the second floor, a restaurant, retail and personal and professional services.

The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. inside council chambers at City Hall, and can be viewed on the city's YouTube page.

Wapello County Board of Supervisors

The supervisors have a light agenda, with the only item of note being a contract with Environmental Management Services of Iowa Inc., which will collect 500 samples of caulk from the courthouse interior and exterior windows to test for asbestos levels.

After the inspect, the firm will provide a report listing the location, description and amount of asbestos material found, and will include all sample results. The cost for the work is $14,980.

The meeting is Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the third-floor courtroom/board room of the courthouse.

— Chad Drury can be reached at, and on Twitter @ChadDrury