City council approves first reading of fee increases for 2023

Aberdeen residents will likely notice a few fee increases starting in 2023.

The Aberdeen City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance outlining fees for 2023. That list includes a few fee increases residents might notice — like the city garbage fee, wastewater and water use charge.

Each of these have slight adjustments, for instance the city garbage fee is increasing 75 cents from $11.75 to $12.50 per month. Carry-out garbage is increasing 50 cents from $17 to $17.50 per month.

The water and wastewater use charges are calculated based on use. The wastewater charge, which is levied per 1,000 gallons is increasing 25 cents from $3.50 to $3.75. The water use charge is increasing 15 cents per 1,000 gallons, from $3.50 to $3.65. These fees are calculated monthly on city utility bills. Water use fees are higher after 6 million gallons are used.

Other fees set to increase in 2023 include:

  • Obstructing snow removal, which is increasing $10. That charge is now $70 for the first 72 hours then it doubles to $140.

  • After hours turn water on or disconnect is increasing from $40 to $50.

  • An erosion control permit is increasing from $25 to $50.

  • Fees for water meters are also increasing. The new rates are $450 for model 55, a new model option; $465 for model 70 (up from $350); $800 for model 120 (p form $770) ; and $1,000 for model 170 (up from $985)

  • Stormwater unit finance charge, increasing to 30 cents per 1,000 square feet, which is up from 28.8 cents.

Finance Officer Jordan McQuillen said the fees for things like water meters were adjusted based on product costs, which have also increased.

Also included is a new listing for downtown parking permit. The cost is $10 per month to park in the A lot and $25 per month to park in the B lot. Replacement permits cost $5. City Manager Joe Gaa said these fees are charged by the Aberdeen Downtown Association and were added because they previously weren't included.

One fee that was removed was for a guard dog license. Provisions for this license were eliminated in the city ordinance revisions adopted earlier this year. City Attorney Ron Wager said this license is not used.

Final reading of this ordinance will be on next week's city agenda.

In other action, the council:

  • Approved 2023 salaries for city employees.

  • Heard quarterly report from the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce.

  • Approved an annual agreement with the Northeastern Council of Governments.

  • Approved the annual grant agreement for Ride Line's operating and administrative costs.

  • Approved a change order and final payment to B&B Contracting for work on the Kline storm drain improvements.

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Utility use fees, garbage fee increase in 2023