City Council members optimistic cooperation will prevail

Nov. 8—ANDERSON — Members of the Anderson City Council are expressing optimism that the new makeup will find a spirit of cooperation after Jan. 1.

The makeup of the Anderson City Council shifted from a 7-2 Democratic majority to a new alignment of Democrats holding a 5-4 advantage.

For the first time since 1979, the Republican Party candidates swept the three at-large seats on the council.

The new year will bring new leadership to the council. Current council president Rebecca Crumes lost her bid for re-election to an at-large seat, and president pro tem Rick Muir didn't seek re-election from an at-large seat.

Former councilman Greg Graham is returning to the council after running unopposed in the 3rd District.

Graham has previously served five terms on the council

"I don't see any problems in working together," Graham said Wednesday. "I was heartened by what the three newly elected Republicans said about being willing to work with the Democrat administration. That's the way it should be," he said. "The hand of friendship will be extended and, I believe, accepted."

Graham said the change of the makeup of the council will bring changes in the operations.

"It will be less contentious," he said. "Things work better when everyone is pulling together."

Councilman Ollie H. Dixon has represented the 4th District for 36 years and expressed hope that everyone can work together.

"We need to unify the council and do what's best for the people," he said.

Republican Jennifer Culp said she's happy about not being the only GOP member of the City Council.

"I believe we can work together," she said. "I really respect the Democrats and I know we will be able to work together to see some things move forward."

Culp said how the council operates will be completely different.

"This is something we haven't seen in Anderson in 44 years," she said. "I think the council members will show more respect for each other when we don't agree."

Councilman Jeff Freeman also agreed the new council will be able to work together.

"We all have to be open-minded," he said. "I think the new council members want to do what's best for the people and have no hidden agenda.

"This will be the start of a new chapter," Freeman said. "Not everyone thinks the same. We can disagree but be civil about it."

Councilman Joe Newman said he doesn't know how things will transpire over the next four years.

"It's hard to tell what the chemistry will be," he said. "The Republicans have to be willing to give and take."

Newman said all the council members for the sake of the community work together for what is best for Anderson.

"I think we will respect each other," he said. "There will be new leadership on the council."

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide, or call 765-640-4863.