City enters contract with ODOT for snow removal

Mansfield residents are expected to see quicker snow removal this winter.

At its Wednesday meeting, Mansfield City Council approved a $107,000 contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation to clear portions of U.S. 30, as well as Ohio 13 and Ohio 39, that are within city limits.

Snow removal and citizen complaints were a big issue this past winter, especially during a large snowstorm in early February. Council even had a special meeting on a Sunday to talk about possible improvements.

"We approached ODOT with the idea of taking on U.S. 30," Public Works Director Dave Remy said, adding the sides met in April. "They proposed that they do some other areas above and beyond what they do for us."

The $107,000 figure is an average of what the work would have cost in the last eight years.

"We believe this is a win-win for us," Remy said. "This cost is reasonable. It will free up equipment for us to take care of our main arteries."

Council members unanimously approved the agreement.∙

"We have a checklist," Councilwoman Stephanie Zader said. "We have checked off several of those boxes."

Council approves measure to help with flooding project

Council also received an update on the dry dam project from city Engineer Bob Bianchi and approved a couple of pieces of legislation related to it.

Last September, council unanimously passed a bill authorizing the city to hire a firm to design a dry dam in North Lake Park, the next step in a years-long process to remove more than 100 acres from the Touby Run floodplain, north of Fourth Street.

"There are three components to the project," Bianchi said, calling the dam the "lion's share."

He also mentioned a retention basin at South Park and a mass fill project on North Main Street near Sixth Street. Related to the latter, council approved appropriating an easement of 0.046 acres owned by Norfolk Southern Railway Co. at Wednesday's meeting.

"We need this from the railroad company," Bianchi said. "It would last in perpetuity and would protect the land."

He said the dry dam would hold back about 140 million gallons of water. Bianchi added the design process is ongoing.

"It's been going well," the city engineer said, adding the design process would take two years. "A lot of the work is behind the scenes. We don't have a whole lot to update you on."

Bianchi said he hoped to make a presentation to council in about six months.

Also related to the project, council approved seeking a contract to replace a bridge on South Street, east of Bowman Street.

Bianchi said the twin arch bridge, which was built in the 1800s, catches debris.

"We're looking to build a single-span structure that will allow water and debris to flow through it," he said.

Improvements coming to Sterkel Community Park for All

In another highlight of the meeting, council authorized Remy to enter a sub-grant with Richland County commissioners and the city's American Rescue Plan Act funds for the Sterkel Community Park for All project.

Previously, Chriss Harris asked commissioners to consider providing up to $500,000 for what was described as a "community park for all."

The estimated $5 million facility is being planned for about 20 acres on the Sterkel Estate property off Lexington Avenue in Mansfield.

"It's going to be an accessible playground with high-end equipment that is part of a five-zone plan that will accommodate any child or adult who has any kind of disability to participate," Harris said. "Instead of standing and watching play, they can actually play."

She pointed out there are 13,000 Richland County residents who are impacted with some type of disability and 23,000 senior citizens who could use the free facility, which will include a pavilion, restrooms and a 1-mile walking path. The facility will be part of the Mansfield City park system and will be maintained by the city.

City to pay for transport of murder suspect

In other business, council:

· Authorized paying $4,720 to US Corrections LLC for transporting a murder suspect from Arizona back to Mansfield.

"Typically, we would have our own detectives go and transport," police Chief Keith Porch said.

The total cost will be about $7,000. The county prosecutor's office will play one-third of the bill.

∙ Established a "OneOhio Opioid Fund" to account for local government proceeds related to the opioid settlement.

"It's a large suit we are a part of," said Christopher Brown, assistant law director. "It's a multi-step process. We need a board to form and make decisions on allotment of money, enforcement and a large portion to rehabilitation, education and recovery."

Brown said a special capital fund had to be established to accept the money.

∙ Granted a license to Tyler Voyik, 2041 Middle Bellville Road, to tap into city water and sanitary sewer systems at his own expense.

∙ Honored finance clerk Randi Allen upon her retirement.


Twitter: @MNJCaudill

This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: City of Mansfield contracting with ODOT for snow removal