City issues abatement order following debris complaints

Oct. 17—HENDERSON — The City Council moved to issue an abate and repair order for a property in Henderson's extraterritorial jurisdiction.

Officials have determined that the property at 292 Weybossett Road does not meet the city's minimum property maintenance or minimum housing codes. The decision comes after citizens filed formal complaints regarding excessive debris and junk on the property.

Now, the city plans to remove the debris. Code Compliance Director Corey Williams noted that he wanted to get the job done within the next 30 days.

The cost of the order won't exceed $5,000, Williams said. That cost and the $120 landfill fee constitute a lien on the property, meaning its owners are liable for them. Any "merchantable" materials collected in the cleanup will be sold off and credited against the cost of the operation.

After the first complaint in August, the Code Compliance Department issued a notice of hearing to the owner, Ronnie Parrish. Neither he nor the other owner, Amanda Roberts, appeared at the hearing in September.

Later in September, Code Compliance officers issued an order to bring the property into compliance which would expire on Oct. 10. As of this past Monday, no "significant" work had been done to bring the property into code, Williams said.

Weybossett Road is southwest of Henderson, outside the city limits near Central Baptist Church. The city controls zoning and housing-code matters there under a state law that gave Henderson and other communities the ability to regulate land uses in places that seemed likely to be annexed.