City officials approve bid for street overlay

Dec. 21—The City of Woodward Commissioners and Woodward Municipal Authority met Monday evening and recognized 25 years of service for Police Chief Billy Parker and Code Enforcement Clerk Diane Patterson.

The bid for street overlay paving improvements was opened on Wednesday Dec. 7. After review, Street Superintendent Brian Luckett recommended awarding the bid to Cornell Construction Co. as they submitted the only bid and met all specifications: Type Casphaltic Concrete per ton $169.77 and tack coat per gallon as $3.02. The commissioners agreed and awarded Cornell Construction Co. the bid for six months.

The bids for concrete limestone were reviewed by Luckett as well. Kline Materials, Inc and Woodward Concrete placed bids. It was recommended the bid be awarded to Kline Materials, Inc. as they submitted the best bid meeting all specifications and the commissioners agreed.

One proposal relating to agricultural lease on 162 acres located in Section 27, Township 23N Range 20W of the Indian Meridian near Boiling Springs was submitted by Steve Purviance at $6,050.00 annually, totalling $30,250.00 for five years. Commissioners awarded the lease to Purviance.

Commissioners and the Municipal Authority also approved the lease to purchase option to Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company for the building in the Industrial Airpark previously used by Siemens.

A second amendment was agreed upon for the Advance 4 Solutions, Inc. building in Airpark due to maintenance, repairs and improvement projects that are yet to be completed. The rental fee will be reduced down to $5,000 until June 30, 2023 unless improvements are completed prior and the building can be in full use.

Commissioners discussed financing proposals for the purchase of a 2022 E-One Commercial Fire Apparatus and of a 2001 Cargo Truck outfitted as a Brush Pumper. Two complete proposals were returned by Bank 7 and The Stock Exchange Bank.

The 2022 E-One Commercial Fire Apparatus is $463,382.36. The 2001 Cargo Truck outfitted as a Brush Pumper is $158,677.50. — Bank 7's proposal included a seven year amortization of 7% fixed rate and a 10 year amortization of 7.5% fixed rate. — The Stock Exchange Bank seven year amortization of 4.5% tax exempt and a 10 year amortization of 5.0% tax exempt.

The Commissioners agreed with Director of Finance, Anita Denison that The Stock Exchange Bank submitted the lowest and best proposal.