City of Pontiac spends money on bills, new equipment

Alderman Mike Barr asks a question regarding the GLCEDC during Monday's Pontiac City Council meeting. Listening are Alderperson Kelly Eckhoff, left, and Alderman Frank Giovanini.
Alderman Mike Barr asks a question regarding the GLCEDC during Monday's Pontiac City Council meeting. Listening are Alderperson Kelly Eckhoff, left, and Alderman Frank Giovanini.

Some might think the City of Pontiac went on a spending spree as the city council approved nearly $1 million in payments at its meeting Monday night at City Hall.

The reality is that it was more of a routine matter of paying bills, a membership fee and departmental purchases. The total amounted to $903,587.20. It's also not all coming out of city coffers as one of the purchases will be from a grant that has been obtained.

The big price tag is $766,295.61 for regular payment of bills.

The highest amount asked for on the regular agenda was for body cameras that will be required in the near future. Police Chief Dan Davis made a request for body cameras to fulfill the Safe-T Act requirement of having cameras in place by January 2025.

After looking over options, Davis said that a package from Motorola is the best option. It meets the compatibilities of the current PPD vehicles and evidence storage. There is also a three-year warranty attached.

“A strong proponent of body-worn cameras, I feel they will do a tremendous job in reducing unnecessary court overtime, frivolous complaints, that sort of thing,” Davis told the council. “This day and age, it's more resounding of that if it's not on video, it didn't happen.”

Alderman Brian Gabor, who is an attorney by trade, added, “as a defensive attorney, these are great because either it's there or it's not.”

Alderperson Kelly Eckhoff makes a remark during Monday's Pontiac City Council meeting.
Alderperson Kelly Eckhoff makes a remark during Monday's Pontiac City Council meeting.

Davis said he grant applications are being made. One is for a matching grant and another has reimbursement being made after purchase.

City Administrator Jim Woolford, Davis' predecessor as police chief, said the higher cost is actually for the software and that the cost less than what had been projected.

Davis made another request for additional digital storage, calling it a tag-a-long request. He said he worked with city IT Director Andrew Henderson regarding options and that Henderson recommended a refurbished unit at $5,854.18. Davis noted that a new one runs in the neighborhood of $22,000.

The council approved both requests.

Mayor Bill Alvey makes a comment during Monday's Pontiac City Council meeting.
Mayor Bill Alvey makes a comment during Monday's Pontiac City Council meeting.

Another higher-ticket item was for a new skid steer tractor for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Superintendent Jake Kinkade was asking for $44,987.41 for a new skid steer to replace one that is nearly 30 years. The approved purchase is for a Bobcat model S62 from Bobcat of Bloomington.

Kinkade said that there were two bids received, the other was for $48,789.52 from Prairie State Tractor for a John Deere model 318G.

Fire Chief Jake Campbell asked to purchase equipment using grant money the city already has access to using. After approval, Campbell will purchasing a battery-operated extricating tool at $14,151. The money is coming from an IPRF Safety Grant, which is for $29,060.

“The purpose is to replace, phase out our older set of extrication tools, which is hydraulic, they're about 30-plus years old,” Campbell said. “Part of the purpose of the IPRF grant is enhance safety for public employees.

“What this battery-operated tool will do is allow our personnel not to have to carry as heavy equipment for agricultural, industrial and motor vehicle accidents. Instead of carrying four pieces of equipment out into a field to extricate somebody, we just have to carry one piece of equipment to perform the same task.”

He added that it can be used in more hazardous environments because it is battery powered as opposed to gas powered, which the current equipment runs on.

“I would so move, because I've carried those tools that he is talking about and I know how heavy they are. If they can make the job easier, it's well worth it,” said Alderman Don Hicks in making the motion to accept the request.

GLCEDC Director Adam Dontz addresses the Pontiac City Council at its meeting Monday. The council approved renewing its membership.
GLCEDC Director Adam Dontz addresses the Pontiac City Council at its meeting Monday. The council approved renewing its membership.

Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council Director Adam Dontz reviewed what the GLCEDC has done and where the money provided by the city in dues goes. He added that the dues paid by members have not gone up in more than 10 years.

The city approved the $23,864 for dues for the next year by a 9-1 vote. Voting against was Gabor.

Three aldermen will be leaving the Pontiac City Council on May 1 as the new council is seated after the April 4 Consolidated Election. Mayor Bill Alvey, second from left, recognized the work of Alderman Don Hicks, left, Alderperson Maggie Clark, second from right, and Alderman Brian Gabor at the end of Monday's city council meeting.
Three aldermen will be leaving the Pontiac City Council on May 1 as the new council is seated after the April 4 Consolidated Election. Mayor Bill Alvey, second from left, recognized the work of Alderman Don Hicks, left, Alderperson Maggie Clark, second from right, and Alderman Brian Gabor at the end of Monday's city council meeting.

Before comments and heading into executive session, Mayor Bill Alvey recognized three members of the city council for their service to the community.

Mayor Bill Alvey, left, presents Alderperson Maggie Clark with a certificate and offers his thanks for her service as a member of the Pontiac City Council at Monday's meeting. Clark is stepping down after having moved out of her ward.
Mayor Bill Alvey, left, presents Alderperson Maggie Clark with a certificate and offers his thanks for her service as a member of the Pontiac City Council at Monday's meeting. Clark is stepping down after having moved out of her ward.

Maggie Clark served out the term left by Curt Myers, who resigned in 2022 due to health reasons. Clark is stepping down because she has moved out of the Ward 4. She will be replaced by Scott Cranford, who ran unopposed in the April 4 Consolidated Election.

Mayor Bill Alvey, left, presents Alderman Brian Gabor with a plaque and offers his thanks for Gabor's 20 years of service as a member of the Pontiac City Council at Monday's meeting. Gabor is stepping down after having moved out of his ward.
Mayor Bill Alvey, left, presents Alderman Brian Gabor with a plaque and offers his thanks for Gabor's 20 years of service as a member of the Pontiac City Council at Monday's meeting. Gabor is stepping down after having moved out of his ward.

Gabor is leaving the city council because he has moved out of Ward 5 after serving 20 years. Gabor's seat was up for election this year. Barbara Howard also ran unopposed for Gabor's seat in the Consolidated Election.

Mayor Bill Alvey, left, presents Alderman Don Hicks with a plaque and offers his thanks for Hicks' 10 years of service as a member of the Pontiac City Council at Monday's meeting. Hicks lost a re-election bid in February to Jerry Causer, a former alderman.
Mayor Bill Alvey, left, presents Alderman Don Hicks with a plaque and offers his thanks for Hicks' 10 years of service as a member of the Pontiac City Council at Monday's meeting. Hicks lost a re-election bid in February to Jerry Causer, a former alderman.

Hicks will be replaced by former alderman and local business owner Jerry Causer in Ward 3. Hicks lost to Causer in the February primary for the Consolidated Election. Hicks had served on the council for 10 years.

Among his comments, Alvey said that Paul Giordano served approximately 40 years on the Zoning Board before stepping down recently.

This article originally appeared on Pontiac Daily Leader: City of Pontiac spends money on bills, new equipment