City Rep. Alexasandra Annello resignation costly, upsetting: Letter to the Editor

Alexsandra Annello, District 2 City Council representative, attends a meeting.
Alexsandra Annello, District 2 City Council representative, attends a meeting.

City Rep. Alexasandra Annello resignation costly, upsetting

Should El Paso give out cash to families in need? I say yes, we do, there are families that will never exit the perpetual cycle of poverty.

But am I the only one who is upset that city Rep. Alexsandra Annello resigned as my city representative to run for state office? She is costing the taxpayer over $275,000. She is now directing the city manager to magically find $500,000 to give to needy families. It would be unfortunate if the city couldn't find the money and instead uses it to pay for a special vacancy election and possibly a second election resulting in a runoff triggered by her resignation.

I don't understand why Annello wouldn't have budgeted for both her vacancy election, a runoff election and now $500k for this new initiative. Nearly a $1 million shortcoming. If this is what we can expect from Annello as a potential state representative, I won't be supporting her.

Guadalupe Silos

Central El Paso

More: El Paso city Rep. Alexsandra Annello looks to leap from City Council to Texas Legislature

UTEP men’s soccer for the win

A suggestion, UTEP starts a men’s' soccer team and aborts the Miner Misery Machine masquerading as the football team. Local fans will happily root for soccer, particularly if there's an occasional win. Just a suggestion.

Mike Traylor

West El Paso

More: Rep. Cassandra Hernandez recall, special election waste of money: Letters to the Editor

By local, spend local

The excuse for the shortchange in a recent letter reminds us of businesses keeping change because they claimed there was a coin shortage, that's an old excuse. Give the customer his change back.

As for the charge for using a card, it is the biggest scam and you can blame the credit processing companies and their equipment dealers. They came out with all these fancy registers and terminals and told the merchant to charge the customer a fee and the terminals would cost the merchant nada. We use a terminal from Go Daddy its awesome and the fees we get charged for accepting cards has shown to be less than what we were paying in the past.

If you really are sincere about not having to pay a fee to use your card, give your business to a local business such as Rio Industrial Supply we have not and will never charge a customer to use their card. We do have a slight minimum we ask the customer to spend but like everything its always negotiable, and we always are grateful for your business.

Buy local and spend local, please.

Michael Sanchez

South El Paso

Reader misses favorite comics

The comics in the weekly paper looks disoriented and I miss reading the Breaking Cat News, Wizard of ID and Mother Goose.

Charlene Calvillo

East El Paso

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: City Rep. Alexasandra Annello resignation costly, upsetting: Letter to the Editor