City seeking to fill board vacancies

Jan. 18—CUMBERLAND, Md. — Cumberland officials are looking to fill several openings on boards and commissions that serve city government.

Cumberland has 13 active boards and commissions and officials routinely seek individuals willing to volunteer their time. Some boards call for members with specific qualifications, while others require only an interest in how local government can best serve the community.

"We are always looking for good people that are interested in community service and want to participate in local government," Cumberland Mayor Ray Morriss said. "Boards and commissions give those people that opportunity and we welcome their input."

There are currently vacancies on the Administrative Appeals Board, Downtown Development Commission, Human Relations Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, Shade Tree Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Each has one opening, except for the DDC and the Administrative Appeals Board, which have two. Depending on the board, members may meet monthly or on an as-needed basis.

"The city benefits from civic-minded people who want to contribute," Morriss said. "This is a great way for citizens to do just that."

The Administrative Appeals Board was created in 2005 when three entities — the Board of Elections, Civil Service Board and the Ethics Commission — were combined. It consists of five members appointed by the mayor and City Council. Terms last three years, and the board meets on an as-needed basis.

The DDC oversees the operation and promotion of the downtown mall through the establishment of rules and regulations. The commission has 13 members and terms are three years.

The DDC consists of nine business or property owners from its primary district, three from the secondary district and one resident, or property owner, from the greater special taxing area. Currently, one primary district member and one citizen-at-large is needed.

The DDC meets the second Thursday of each month in the morning.

The Human Resources Commission, consisting of seven members serving three-year terms, addresses discrimination issues within the community through fair housing education and outreach. When needed, the HRC mediates disputes involving unlawful discriminatory practices. Members should possess experience in two of the following areas — fair housing, mediation, marketing, banking, rental or home ownership, housing services or event planning. The HRC meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Planning and Zoning provides review and approval of major subdivisions and site plans as required by city code, making recommendations to the City Council. The commission includes five people who serve five-year terms. The commission meets at 4 p.m. the second Monday of each month at City Hall.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets on an as-needed basis to hear and decide appeals regarding alleged errors in the enforcement, interpretation or administration of the city's zoning ordinances. The board hears challenges to rulings and may authorize variances and conditional and nonconforming uses. Consisting of five members who serve three-year terms, members are the city's only paid board members, receiving $25 bi-weekly.

A brief summary of the responsibilities and membership of each board can be found at

Letters of interest may be sent to the city clerk's office, 57 N. Liberty Street, Cumberland, MD, 21502. or emailed to For more information, call 301-759-6447.

Greg Larry is a reporter at the Cumberland Times-News. To reach him, call 304-639-4951, email and follow him on Twitter.