Clean energy advocates worry lawmakers will keep fossil fuels going strong in Indiana

Indiana has taken small steps toward breaking its heavy reliance on coal and natural gas, but some worry a new bill will slow that transition and keep emission-spewing fossil fuels around for much longer.

As the legislative session kicked off Monday, bills for the legislature to consider this session are starting to roll in. One of those is expected to be a bill that would limit the amount of electricity Indiana’s utilities could rely on from the grid. In other words, it would require utilities to be able to produce more of their own energy.

Regional and national grid operators have raised reliability concerns in recent months, warning that plant retirements have left the area with fewer resources and fuel availability issues could lead to insufficient energy supplies during severe winter weather.

That’s why Indiana’s 21st Century Energy Task Force wants the state’s utilities to be more self-sufficient — and it feels the potential legislation, which it recommended in its recent final report, is one way of doing that.

“The fear is that if we don’t find the right balance, we’re going to pay whatever price,” said Rep. Edmond Soliday, R-Valparaiso, during a task force meeting. Soliday, who co-chairs the task force and chairs the House Utilities and Energy Committee, did not reply to IndyStar’s requests for comment.

That said, various consumer and clean energy advocates as well as some lawmakers don’t think forcing utilities to produce more of their own energy is the right solution.

Rep. Matt Pierce, D-Bloomington, said the "irony" of much of Indiana's energy legislation is to keep fossil fuels going because of "the idea that makes things reliable." Pierce serves on the Energy Task Force as well as the House Utilities and Energy Committee.

“But then that sacrifices affordability,” he added.

Concerns about grid vulnerability

The Energy Task Force was created a few years ago to help chart a course for Indiana’s energy future and figure out how the state should get there. The group says all its decisions and recommendations focus around five pillars: reliability, resilience, affordability, stability and environmental sustainability.

With reliability in mind, task force members discussed cutting utilities’ capacity threshold — or how much electricity they can plan to purchase from the grid in order to meet their demands.

Right now in Indiana, utilities can get as much as 30% of their capacity from the grid, which in the Midwest region is largely operated by a group called MISO. But the task force’s final report, released late last year, recommends reducing that number.

While no specific number is recommended in the report, a new amount of 15% has been discussed in previous meetings. No bill on this topic had been filed by the end of Monday, the first day of the 2023 legislative session. Proposed bills will continue trickling in for the next several days.

“The premise of the whole thing is that utilities are relying too much on purchasing energy through MISO rather than producing here in Indiana, and the idea that the more renewables you have the further you undermine the reliability of the grid,” Pierce told IndyStar. “But I think that renewables are so small in Indiana that it’s too soon to have these conversations.”

Renewable energy sources including wind and solar account for just over 10% of electricity generation in Indiana. Based on the latest data, nearly 60% comes from coal and roughly 30% from natural gas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Scrub Hub: Indiana's top greenhouse gas emitters for 2022 are power plants, steelmakers.

Despite the heavy reliance on fossil fuels, utilities in Indiana and across the region have recently retired or are planning to retire many coal plants in the coming decades. The MISO region has retired more than 4 gigawatts of coal and nuclear energy since last winter, according to a recent report by the North American Electric Reliability Corp., or NERC. One gigawatt can power about 750,000 homes.

The report said that a severe cold-weather event in the MISO region — which manages power in 14 states and one Canadian province — could lead to high generator outages. A report from MISO also said that as the grid adds more renewables, it becomes more difficult to plan and operate the grid.

MISO spokesman Brandon Morris said the operator is “agnostic” on fuel and types of power generation.

“But we have been vocal in stating that accelerated retirements of highly available resources is a growing risk,” he told IndyStar. That especially is the case when that capacity is only partially replaced or replaced with resources that are harder to plan.

Consumer advocate Kerwin Olson acknowledges that there are some challenges in transitioning the grid to renewables, but worries these reports are being co-opted to bolster fossil fuels.

“We see this type of rhetoric and we wonder if this bill in some way is designed” to manage or slow the pace of generator retirements, said Olson, who is the executive director of Citizens Action Coalition, a consumer advocacy group.

Pierce agrees: “As those challenges are pointed out, the fossil fuel industry really uses those reports to create a bigger and worse impression of renewables. There has definitely been a subtext in all these policy decisions that renewable energy is a danger to the grid and danger to reliability.”

'Wrong solution' that drives up costs

Grid expert Michael Goggin said he actually views those reports differently — to him, the main takeaway is the need to improve and expand transmission to be able to better move electricity where it’s needed. He believes renewables coupled with battery storage and greater transmission capabilities provides a “very reliable supply of power.”

While he doesn’t believe that renewables are the sole solution, he also thinks that Indiana’s potential bill limiting capacity “is the wrong solution.”

“It’s almost certain to drive up costs with minimal benefits,” said Goggin, the vice president of Grid Strategies LLC. “It could impede the transition to more cost-effective and actually more reliable energy options.”

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Pierce similarly worries that because renewables can’t be counted as providing capacity, it will lead utilities to instead rely on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, which are often referred to as “baseload generation.” They also are a more expensive form of power generation.

“If legislation continues to go down this path, we are basically telling the Utility Regulatory Commission we want the energy mix to be dominated by baseload fossil fuel generation,” the lawmaker said. “So we are basically saying we want the most expensive generation for the ratepayer.”

The proposed legislation would still allow utilities to purchase more than 15% of its energy from the grid, but they couldn’t rely on it. So to meet the capacity requirement, utilities might have to delay planned coal retirements or look to build new natural gas plants.

Customers would have to pay for those more expensive energy sources, even if they are barely running. This debate has already played out for southern Indiana customers served by CenterPoint Energy. The utility received approval last year to build two new natural gas units that it expects to run only about 10% of the time. Still, customers’ bills are expected to go up by as much as $20 a month.

IndyStar’s attempts to reach the Indiana Energy Association, the trade group representing the state’s utilities, for their thoughts on the recommended legislation were unsuccessful.

Pierce also is quick to point out that recent problems at some of Indiana’s fossil fuel plants call into question how reliable they actually are. In some cases, unforeseen plant shutdowns have even driven bills higher.

Three of the state’s utilities have had at least one of their power plants knocked out for an extended period of time, which has forced them to buy more electricity from the grid to make up for the shortfall in their production.

For example, AES Indiana’s Eagle Valley natural gas plant — touted as being state-of-the-art and one of the state’s most efficient plants — broke just three years after it began operating and was out for close to a year.

The same happened for one of the units at CenterPoint’s coal-fired Culley plant. It broke in June and remained offline for several months. One of NIPSCO’s gas-fired units was offline for most of last year, and it had to retire two coal-fired units at its Schahfer plant two years early due to a fire at the facility.

“The experience in Indiana is exactly the opposite: The use of natural gas and coal has been a problem,” Pierce said. “We’ve had plants go down and stay down for a long time even without a severe weather event.”

Energy efficiency, rooftop solar left out 

What wasn’t included in the report is just as frustrating for Pierce and Olson as what was included.

Pierce proposed several amendments and additions to the final task force report that would have looked at distributed generation, like rooftop solar, and energy efficiency – but the majority of the group voted down those proposals.

The lawmaker said he thinks the task force and legislature have failed to create helpful policies that would encourage rooftop solar or re-establish energy efficiency programs. Pierce said that’s “another big disappointment.”

Olson said that if the legislature was really serious about reliability and affordability, distributed generation can help strengthen the grid by relieving some of the burden. Efficiency can also shave off some energy needs and reduce electricity bills.

Solar panels can be seen on the rooftop of an Indianapolis home. Consumer and clean energy advocates worry that a likely new bill this session could increase Indiana's reliance on fossil fuels like coal and gas rather than transitioning to renewable energy.
Solar panels can be seen on the rooftop of an Indianapolis home. Consumer and clean energy advocates worry that a likely new bill this session could increase Indiana's reliance on fossil fuels like coal and gas rather than transitioning to renewable energy.

The task force report did recommend looking at different price structures that could help shift peak demand by changing how much electricity costs at different times.

Olson said he won’t be able to tell whether a bill reducing capacity thresholds is problematic until he sees the actual language.

“We want to make sure that going from 30% to 15% will in no way impede the clean energy transition going on in the state of Indiana and will not, through legislation, delay the retirement of really expensive dinosaur coal plants,” he said. “I’m not implying at this point that’s what the bill will do, we just don’t know at this point.”

IndyStar will continue its coverage of energy and environment legislation as the session continues.

Call IndyStar reporter Sarah Bowman at 317-444-6129 or email at Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @IndyStarSarah. Connect with IndyStar’s environmental reporters: Join The Scrub on Facebook.

IndyStar's environmental reporting project is made possible through the generous support of the nonprofit Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Bill in the works could increase Indiana's reliance on coal, gas