How To Clean Every Type of Stovetop

Your stovetop takes a lot of abuse. Pots bubble over when you're making gumbo, dirty spoons rest on it, and crumbs always seem to make their way into the burners and crevices. If you're tired of looking at sticky spots and burned edges, we're here for you. We've rounded up the best tips for cleaning every type of stovetop–including gas stovetops, glass stovetops, and electric stovetops–because it's important to know that each type of stove requires a different cleaning routine. Grab your sunglasses, because your stovetop is about to sparkle and shine. While you're at it, why not clean the oven too?

What You Need to Clean a Stovetop

How to Clean a Gas Stovetop

Gas stovetops are beautiful and prized for their ability to provide an even cooking surface. They also come in handy in the case of power outages since you can operate them without electricity. Luckily, they're easy to clean, too.

  1. When your oven is cool, remove the grates and wipe away any crumbs or debris.

  2. If the grates themselves are dirty, gently wipe away the grime with a damp cloth. You can also use a drop or two of dish soap if necessary.

  3. Wipe the surface of the stovetop with a non-abrasive cloth and a little non-abrasive cleanser. Be sure to include the area beneath the grate as well.

  4. If your burner heads need cleaning, be sure to consult your owner's manual and follow the instructions.

How to Clean a Glass Stovetop

Glass stovetops require the least maintenance when it's time to clean since you're dealing with one flat surface. They also tend to be the easiest stovetop to scratch, so it's especially important to use non-abrasive products when cleaning a glass stovetop.

  1. Wait till your stovetop is cool, then wipe away any crumbs or debris.

  2. Use a little non-abrasive, glass-approved cleaner to wipe the area clean with a damp cloth.

  3. Glass stovetops are easier to clean if you wipe them down after every use so food grime doesn't get baked onto the surface. If this should happen, cover the stained area with a solution of equal parts liquid dish soap and water and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wipe it clean with a non-abrasive cloth.

How to Clean an Electric Stovetop

Electric stovetops are one of the most difficult to clean since spills can get baked onto the drip pan. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you clean your drip pans after every spill.

  1. Make sure that your stovetop is cool. Then, unplug the electric coils from the side of the burner. If they are greasy or dirty, wipe them down with a damp non-abrasive cloth and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Be sure to avoid getting the plug-in component wet. Place them on a dishtowel to dry.

  2. Remove the drip pans and wipe them clean with water and a few drops of liquid dish soap. If food stains are baked in, it may be necessary to soak them in soapy water overnight. You can also run them through the dishwasher.

  3. Wipe the crumbs and debris from the surface of the stove and the space underneath your burner.

  4. Use a small amount of non-abrasive cleaner to wipe and clean your stovetop and the recessed area beneath the burner with a non-abrasive cloth.

  5. Dry your drip pans and place them back place on the stovetop.

  6. When the electric coils are completely dry, plug them back into the burner.