Clearing clutter is easier said than done when it holds memories

I’m in the process of “clearing clutter” — a.k.a. (my definition) “getting rid of things you love,” because, by gum, you love everything you have (why else would you have it?). And worse, if you’re a writer, well, forget it; getting rid of published stories you labored over, during which you met great people and spent time polishing the prose, is like throwing your children away. You just can’t do it.

I will admit to always having collected something at any given time. I could blame it on my father, who collected minerals, stamps and coins. Of those, I inherited only the mineral-collector bug. I used to go to exhibition stamp shows with my father but was more interested in the envelopes that had letters in them than the stamps on them. He just would shake his head.

Sandra Matuschka
Sandra Matuschka

When we talk about clearing clutter though, especially when we’re at “that” time of our life, it’s a whole other story. It’s not about clutter so much as memories that have formed little clumps around your house, and which you start to bump into as you “clean out.” I have a friend who is helping me do this, because, honestly, there isn’t much I want to get rid of, and I need someone to push me. Oh, well, I take some of that back. The bronzed baby shoe bookends have gone. Why ever did parents do that anyway? Shouldn’t they have known that those heavy clodhoppers memorializing a size you have absolutely no memory of, would be passed around family members like hot potatoes on a summer day?

You wind up being faced with choices that cause stress, and who needs stress at any age? Which ones of hundreds of photos of kittens and cats with whom you shared your life do you keep? If you’re a dog owner, it’s the same thing. (If you had both, just give up now!)

Then there’s all the memorabilia. Of course, it’s really not memorabilia, it’s part of your life — things and places and people to whom you gave energy and caring. How are you going to get rid of those beautiful greeting cards from dear friends or family, some of whom are gone? (Never mind that there are dozens of them!) Decluttering consumes time you hadn’t counted on as one by one those “objets d’clutter” bring back memories that must be recalled, people who must be thought about again, good times that must be relived. Before you know it, half the day and most of your energy are gone.

Commonplace items you had when younger are now antiques or collectibles, or worse yet, things to be discarded. (Anybody want a color slide of Hershey Rose Garden, Penn., circa 1950?) I was a true bibliophile, collecting antiquarian books at shows and scoring “finds” at local used bookstores. Then paper books sadly started going digital. Not that I don’t read books digitally, mind you, but it’s not the same as being in my armchair, surrounded by my paper friends, because that’s what books have been to me and many — friends that with their worn and/or underlined pages bring comfort to the soul in the way that long-time tried and true friends always do.

Although it’s not my birth sign, I have four planets in Gemini, making me highly Gemini-like, with interests ranging all over the place like unpenned sheep. I call it eclecticism. My mother did not. For people like me, there was no more favorite place to be than a thrift store — any thrift store. I no sooner donated at the back door than I was at the front door to “browse” (read: “buy”). Some of my favorite things were irreplaceable bargains from those stores. As I write now, I can see my musical Merlin snow globe on the shelf above. A few windings, and “Some Enchanted Evening” tickles through the air, while glitter swirls around him. Best of all, he’s sitting on books! I mean, what book-Merlin-music lover could consign him to oblivion?

How do you say goodbye to a musical Merlin after all these years?
How do you say goodbye to a musical Merlin after all these years?

It took me forever to finally sell my boxes of records and record-player. My life in music was contained in those boxes. Although I replaced some, many never made it into CDs. (I’ve actually found a few recorded on YouTube though, which makes me happy.)

All the above is to say that if you are considering doing the “declutter” deed, be forewarned. Although a new broom may sweep clean, old brooms get snared in reminiscences and may be doomed to sweep forever more!

Sandra Matuschka of Tiverton is a freelance writer and columnist. Send feedback and suggestions to or c/o The Newport Daily News, P.O. Box 420, Newport, RI 02840.

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: Clearing clutter is easier said than done when it holds memories